Guillermo del Toro's Pacific Rim!!!

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I hope the blu ray is packed full of extras.:rock

GDT is usually pretty generous with special features. :yess:

Didn't you guys read the article?... :dunno

For those like me who wanted more character stuff, a director’s cut was an enticing prospect. Unfortunately, del Toro tells Bleeding Cool that the theatrical cut is his director’s cut, and that while there will be deleted scenes with commentary and an extensive making-of documentary, don’t expect a bevy of extras because the “DVD and Blu-ray market is shrinking so we can’t be as extravagant as we were with other discs in the past.”
The only extras I ever watch are the gag reels, hate interviews and commentary, may be a making of but not really big on extras.
This one cracks me up!

I don't think there is one movie critic that I pay attention to. I just find them to be a waste of time to be honest.


I don't pay attention to any critic. I think that people should go see a movie and form their own opinions on whether they like a movie or not.
Ideally I would do the same, but my ability to see things like new movies is extremely limited. I can't watch every movie made and released, so I have to have some assistance in how I will spend the limited time I have available for these sorts of things. But I don't defer to a single reviewer. Instead, I'll look at consensus views. If something is generally seen as crap, chances are I won't like it. I did see Man of Steel despite it having around a 50% metacritic rating, because I'm a big Superman fan, and ultimately I agree with the critical consensus. Critics generally fawn over the Coen Brothers, and so do I. On Netflix I love seeking out old movies I've never heard about, but if they have a 1 or 2 star average review I'll usually skip it, again, because I don't have unlimited time to watch every movie on the off chance I'll enjoy it.
Ideally I would do the same, but my ability to see things like new movies is extremely limited. I can't watch every movie made and released, so I have to have some assistance in how I will spend the limited time I have available for these sorts of things. But I don't defer to a single reviewer. Instead, I'll look at consensus views. If something is generally seen as crap, chances are I won't like it. I did see Man of Steel despite it having around a 50% metacritic rating, because I'm a big Superman fan, and ultimately I agree with the critical consensus. Critics generally fawn over the Coen Brothers, and so do I. On Netflix I love seeking out old movies I've never heard about, but if they have a 1 or 2 star average review I'll usually skip it, again, because I don't have unlimited time to watch every movie on the off chance I'll enjoy it.

pfft, mortals.