Guillermo del Toro's Pacific Rim!!!

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Did that guy really see the film?

Warmth to the characters! Come on, they were as flimsy as hell :dunno

They weren't that bad, considering the type of film it was.:dunno

Exactly. Considering the type of film it was they were ok, they did a job. But warmth! I didn't get that :dunno

He's talking about warmth in the sense of character interaction, not acting ability. He's saying these characters cared about each other and supported each other and cared more about the people around them, than their own personal vendettas.

"Even when characters are put front and center — there were tiny aspects of the campaign that featured Idris Elba — they came across as or very broad or smashing each other in the face with sticks," says Gomez. "That's too bad because of all the films that have come out this spring and summer, there is a warmth to the characters in 'Pacific Rim' and a heroism you don't even see in 'Man of Steel' and "Iron Man 3.'"
"These guys genuinely care about human beings and will do anything to protect them," he adds. "They sacrifice their lives to protect large numbers of people and they're not flippant or callous about it
... t hat's wonderful compared to the relative coldness and grimness on tragedy that some of the other big movies have been concentrating on."
Seemed like there was quite a lot of infighting and tension to me. I can't say I buy the "all for one & one for all" until maybe the very end :dunno
Seemed like there was quite a lot of infighting and tension to me. I can't say I buy the "all for one & one for all" until maybe the very end :dunno

Well most of that tension came from a desire to protect a loved one or fear of losing one.

Does it matter when the "all for one" came into play? I felt that was the build for the movie. Nearly everyone set aside their differences at the end, and made a sacrifice play to protect those loved ones and forge a future for mankind.

The acting may have been cheesy at times, but there was definitely a lot of heart and care put into each of the core characters.
Well I just didn't see it like that reviewer and you guys then. I didn't honestly get much of a team camaraderie vibe at all. I thought most of the characters were very flimsy.

I cared more for the Jaeger than I did the characters operating them.
There's tons of warmth in this movie :lol

Seriously, I did feel attached and involved with the characters and you could see that they cared for each other and most importantly, they had great teamwork.

The only "flimsy" character for me was Raleigh himself, but only at times, I don't know, he's not a terrible actor, but everything he says, he makes it sound cheesy :lol even in Green Street Hooligans, Hunnam made everything sound over acted.

He has certain charm though, every other character was really good.
Well I just didn't see it like that reviewer and you guys then. I didn't honestly get much of a team camaraderie vibe at all. I thought most of the characters were very flimsy.

I cared more for the Jaeger than I did the characters operating them.

Take off the blinders, Teddy! See what an Oscar worthy movie truly looks like in Pacific Rim!

Take off the blinders, Teddy! See what an Oscar worthy movie truly looks like in Pacific Rim!



I enjoyed the film and I have no issues with it being what it is, but I am not going to agree with that reviewer or you guys on character warmth/depth. They were as shallow as a puddle I am afraid.
Interesting Fact: The huge blonde haired Russian pilot of Cherno Alpha is the same actor as the huge Immortal who got his head sliced off in 300.

Actually he played an awesome character in Sherlock Holmes :lol

So this is awesome, I wonder if he's gonna get it :lol

Yeah no, the characters are not super duper deep I agree, the deepest one is Mako IMO, but I think they are indeed warm and there's camaraderie, both Doctors ended up working together and bonding, mako and raleigh being pals, Pentecost protecting mako, etc etc I think there's definitely warmth in there. :lecture