Broke and happy
Crap, this is what my kid draws.
Your kid will be richer than my kid.
I thought her butt was a hat...
I don't know why everyone is obsessed with pure clarity. The battles, for a good percentage of it, are easy to follow. Sometimes it gets murky, but it's not anywhere near Transformers.
The problem with doing a daylight action scene, would mean they would show too much of the monster. I like the monster being hidden. Monsters should never be fully shown. If you wanted to see more of it, then the film did it's job.
I thought this movie was very comprehensible compared to Transformers. Those feel like I'm tied up in the kitchen and Michael Bay is running in circles around me as fast as he can, banging pots and pans together.
I would pay to see a buddy film starring Nolan and Bay. Great odd couple there.
I sorta wrote one a while ago.