Guillermo del Toro's Pacific Rim!!!

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I don't know why everyone is obsessed with pure clarity. The battles, for a good percentage of it, are easy to follow. Sometimes it gets murky, but it's not anywhere near Transformers.

The problem with doing a daylight action scene, would mean they would show too much of the monster. I like the monster being hidden. Monsters should never be fully shown. If you wanted to see more of it, then the film did it's job.

Because the designs were waay too cool to be wasted in near darkness all the time. The daytime scenes were more exciting, more dramatic and more visually stimulating. Context wise we are not talking "Alien" here. In more sophisticated creature features, not showingthe creature is a more powerful thing to do. this though? It was a dumbass movie with monsters and robots, it had very little else going for it, show the damn things, give me spectacle, entertain me.
Leak dat script :lecture

I will. But it's kinda weird now.

It's set in the future, after a huge shooting at a mall, this senator bans all film, which causes filmmakers to go out of business, and they become outlaws.

Only a few are left, and they become basically The Expendables, but with film directors. :lol Ridley Scott was the Hannibal Smith of the group, Bay had the explosives, JJ Abrams had a Lens Flare canon, Nolan mind jumped into people....those were the core characters.

Tarantino showed up at one point, and Raimi killed a few people with a chainsaw...I don't know. :lol

It won't work now, due to the actual shootings.
I will. But it's kinda weird now.

It's set in the future, after a huge shooting at a mall, this senator bans all film, which causes filmmakers to go out of business, and they become outlaws.

Only a few are left, and they become basically The Expendables, but with film directors. :lol Ridley Scott was the Hannibal Smith of the group, Bay had the explosives, JJ Abrams had a Lens Flare canon, Nolan mind jumped into people....those were the core characters.

Tarantino showed up at one point, and Raimi killed a few people with a chainsaw...I don't know. :lol

It won't work now, due to the actual shootings.

Oh **** :lol :lol :lol

I'm picturing them all in the classic "walking away from an explosion" scene, with Bay holding the detonator in this particular instance.

Ridley then looks into the camera, puts on some sunglasses and says "cut".

fade to black.
There was a scene where Bay left a bomb that no one knew about, and so they ran off with the clock racing, they get under ground in the sewers, and duck for this MASSIVE EXPLOSION...

And it barely makes a sound.
Well, to each his own...I guess.

I just can't imagine someone watching this movie, and not enjoying it. It doesn't make any sense, unless they're really cynical.

I love dumb stuff, I fully expected to love this. I like Del Toro at his craziest. This was odd though. The acting was terrible, the script was dire, and the storyline was non existent, those flashback scenes with the little girl? Those were great. Because she could act, I gave a **** about her, but the rest of the movie was populated with characters so poorly executed that I just cringed. Those two scientists? Seriously? What movie were they from? Neither could act, one was a dodgy panto act?
I even hated Perlman, a first. He couldn't speak properly with the silly gold teeth. I guess my biggest problem is that the movie didn't seem to believe in it's own world. Even the biggest silliest fun concepts should have verisimilitude.

And regarding seeing the creatures, Del Toro designed them to look like they could have humans inside, him agony the classics. That was a very clever cool thing to do. Those movies showed giant man shaped monsters attacking cities, that's what he wanted here, instead we got Cloverfield part deux.
Well, to each his own...I guess.

I just can't imagine someone watching this movie, and not enjoying it. It doesn't make any sense, unless they're really cynical.
That's Rorywan for ya. Cynical D-bag who follows me around in the Aliens & Robots section insulting me for liking Prometheus or whatever. :cuckoo:
I love dumb stuff, I fully expected to love this. I like Del Toro at his craziest. This was odd though. The acting was terrible, the script was dire, and the storyline was non existent, those flashback scenes with the little girl? Those were great. Because she could act, I gave a **** about her, but the rest of the movie was populated with characters so poorly executed that I just cringed. Those two scientists? Seriously? What movie were they from? Neither could act, one was a dodgy panto act?
I even hated Perlman, a first. He couldn't speak properly with the silly gold teeth. I guess my biggest problem is that the movie didn't seem to believe in it's own world. Even the biggest silliest fun concepts should have verisimilitude.
If you think Charlie Day had "terrible acting" in this film then you obviously don't know what good acting is. He did a great job.

Charlie Hunnam, Idris Elba and the Japanese chick were subpar, but not terrible.

I'm blaming most of that on the dialogue though. I was kinda shocked at just how many cheesy, cliched lines they had.
Look, this is a movie about giant robots punching giant monsters. The characters are simple, the story is simple. It's a film made with kids in mind. There wasn't an ounce of cynicism in the entire movie. And it definitely believed it's own world. It loved it's own world. It relished in being a big, goofy, cliched movie.

I don't want to turn this into another Man of Steel thread, where all the fans get butt hurt and freak out every time someone says something nasty about their film. So, i'm not hating on you. I'm just pointing out a few things.

But they key thing here is...this movie never took itself too seriously. I think the darkest thing in the entire movie is Mako's flashback. It was nice to see a movie that wasn't brooding or ****ing annoying with all it's dark dour bull****. :lol

I won't say this movie isn't for everyone, because it should be. I don't know. :lol
If you think Charlie Day had "terrible acting" in this film then you obviously don't know what good acting is. He did a great job.

Charlie Hunnam, Idris Elba and the Japanese chick were subpar, but not terrible.

I'm blaming most of that on the dialogue though. I was kinda shocked at just how many cheesy, cliched lines they had.

I wasn't :lol

I was fully prepared.
That actually sounds like a direction they could go for the sequel :lol

You're son sounds like the kind of kid that gets inspired and grows up to make his own monster movies :rock

It could be an interesting direction to take it in. A kaiju cut-off from the hivemind and mind melding with a pilot could definitely make for some interesting scenes.

Though then EVA ripoff claims would be kind of legit. :lol