Guillermo del Toro's Pacific Rim!!!

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The one moment that brought me out of the film, was when Crimson Typhoon had taken a beat down, and came back up out of the water shaking it's head. I just didn't buy it.
Saw this for the third time, took my little brother for his 1st time. He loved it. He is now an official Bayformers hater. PR helped him see the light!!
Transformers is like really ****ty schwag street weed. You love it at first because it's all you can get.

Then medical Pacific Rim comes along, and BAM. You never want anything else.
But I still want that ****ty schwag because it has some Wahlberg strands in it. And i'm curious what those taste like. :monkey3
But I still want that ****ty schwag because it has some Wahlberg strands in it. And i'm curious what those taste like. :monkey3

Not me. I've been burned once to many times with a bag of cut St. Augustine grass. And now he's ruining TMNT. All my childhood has left is Batman and Ghostbusters. Hopefully I will never have to suffer through his visions of those characters.
Will the films international success be enough for a sequel? I was under the impression the domestic box office was the be all and end all...

It's becoming less and less important. Especially as international markets grow. Dredd is kind of the weird test case. It made no money in theatres, but it has become a success on home video. There are rumors that the studio is even looking into a sequel.
They've always known that. It's just they don't get even 50% of that money in the end which is why most American movie studios don't care too much about the foreign box office take. Those numbers are misleading.
They've always known that. It's just they don't get even 50% of that money in the end which is why most American movie studios don't care too much about the foreign box office take. Those numbers are misleading.

Please explain this... why don't they get the money?
I know some studios have issues with China about the percentage they get, but doubt it's the same all over the world...
When Hollywood movies fail to find audiences in America, it is often claimed that these movies redeem their losses overseas. The
assumption here is that the box-office receipts abroad are pure gravy for the movie studios. For example, the usually financially-savvy
Wall Street Journal reported on 19 November 2004 that three notable duds in America – Troy, The Terminal and King Arthur ended up
turning handsome profits because in each case, box-office receipts from outside the US far outweighed domestic returns. It then cited
impressive sounding numbers:

Troy $363 million internationally
The Terminal $96.3 million
King Arthur $149.8 million

As if these receipts represented their salvation. In reality, however, these impressive-sounding receipts represented the foreign theatres revenue, not the studios share of it. In fact, the studios get an even smaller share of the foreign than of the American box-office.

Last year the studios share averaged about 40 per cent of ticket sales. And from those revenues studios have to pay for foreign advertising, prints, taxes, insurance, translations, etc. Once those expenses are deducted, the studios are lucky to wind up with 15 per cent of what is reported as the foreign gross.

Consider a typical movie – Disney's Gone In 60 Seconds. Its reported foreign gross was $129,477,395. Of that sum, Disney got
$55,979.966 and paid out $37,986,053 in expenses.

They included:
Foreign advertising $25,197,723
Foreign prints $ 5,660.837
Foreign taxes $ 5,077,286
Foreign versions $ 822,997
Foreign shipping $ 454,973
Currency conversion $ 266,900
Foreign trade dues $ 122,275

After paying these expenses, Disney was left with just $17,993,913 – a far cry from the reported $129,477,395 gross. And the film is still over $153 million in the red. So while the foreign box-office helps out, it does not necessarily make a movie profitable.

^^^Real numbers released by the studios. So it's not just speculation. Gives some insight about the kind of money studios actually make off their films as opposed to the gross numbers reported that people think represents profit.
Quite the old article you got there... :lol
I know some still applies currently but I'm pretty sure things have changes a bit recently.
After it opens on all the markets and home video is released, then we will get the full picture. All we're saying is that this is welcome news for an awesome movie that was ignored by the US audience and foreign moviegoers are finding entertaining.

On a side note... Pacific Rim is currently in the 8th spot of Blu-Ray Best-sellers on Amazon... yep, above Iron Man 3, MOS and Despicable Me 2...
Mark my words, this will be a BIG home video seller... :lecture
On a side note... Pacific Rim is currently in the 8th spot of Blu-Ray Best-sellers on Amazon... yep, above Iron Man 3, MOS and Despicable Me 2...
Mark my words, this will be a BIG home video seller... :lecture

That's cool. I have all of those on order. Look forward having them all. :rock
You guys forget that merchandise is important too. If they sell a good amount of toys, games and books that could help justify another movie. This thing is a toy company wet dream... what kid doesn't like robot and monster toys?

I guess I did my part by buying the game and the book. :rock2
:lol I know. But like I said, it's useful because it gives hard numbers not just speculation.

And we all know how good asians are with math! :lecture

How long did that three-armed Jaeger last?

Wait, does this mean I'm wacist?
