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on my list. soon. i already have 5 extra magazines for it.

I am a little envious of you, P1X4R, I have not been able to drag myself out of my tantrum, that I have been in since the Cali gun squeeze started, enough to take advantage of some really nice weapons that ARE available to us, even if they are still suffering from some restrictions, as you have. So I will be collecting guns vicariously through you in this thread. Buy a whole bunch of them and post a buttload of pictures.:D
Buy a whole bunch of them and post a buttload of pictures.:D

it's not over yet. i have a lot to share in the near future. :) i'm just waiting for my darn COE rejection letter. i had a livescan done a couple of weeks ago but the operator failed to digitally scan three fingers. i'm waiting for the letter so i can bring it back to them for a re-do. once i get this then i'll be able to collect the rest of the goodies that my FFL is holding for me! :yess:
I intend no animosity and I do not want to see the gun thread closed because it became political, so I am out of this aspect of the conversation. But I will leave it with this opinion: You have to really be careful making statements like this. Honestly, there is a lot of spin in it and it sends out inaccurate information. This is really conjecture and personal opinion and is not looking at both aspects of the issue with equal scrutiny.

I disagree that any of my statement was iconjecture. While it is a legal opinion, I am an attorney and do have a bit of background and actual legal argument to back me up ... but I figured I wouldn't bore a collectibles board with a fully-cited treatise on gun rights. For our purposes, a simple statement of opinion (legal or otherwise) will do.

it's not over yet. i have a lot to share in the near future. :) i'm just waiting for my darn COE rejection letter. i had a livescan done a couple of weeks ago but the operator failed to digitally scan three fingers. i'm waiting for the letter so i can bring it back to them for a re-do. once i get this then i'll be able to collect the rest of the goodies that my FFL is holding for me! :yess:

I'm headed to a gun show in Houston this weekend with cash in hand. HK P30, here I come.

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DONE! i can now legally buy, sell and shoot weapons :lol

The exam was easy "draw someone under the rain".

Then we shot with a .38 revolver and this was the result:


:lol i was to nervous...
Yes, Ken does...he does indeed.

Went to a local gun store and picked up the wife a S&W Airweight .38....and some hollow-point ammo of course. It is awesome to just walk in, buy and walk out with the weapon in the same day. She can't wait to go to the range. :gun

P1X4R, where were you able to get a hold of a Springfield Operator????
Vader AL, i got it from Bud's Gun Shop.

they always seem to be out of stock. put yourself on the wishlist. it does come back in stock but they sell very quickly!

I thought that's where you nabbed it. You're right, this one isn't available anywhere, I was hoping I might find one at a gun show today but as I suspected there wasn't one. Springfield must take their sweet time with making them.

Finally secured the HK P30 at a gun show yesterday afternoon for $799.95. Highly recommended. Fantastic weapon.
