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well l booked to take my gun course and its way overkill its a 16 hour course.8 hours for 2 days l mean damn,but l have no choice.l thought it was a 6 hour 1 day course,damn canadian goverment they overkill everything.
btw, i ordered the Bushmaster ACR! i'm also seeing if i can get an FN SCAR 16. both are the standard models in black.

i was thinking of getting an AR10 (POF 308) but decided that my M1A's already have that covered. :)
the ACR is amazing - been running mine for a bit now with no hiccups at all. You will not be disappointed when you get yours!
great to know your experience with it. what kind of ammo do you run through it? btw, how much did you pay for it? feel free to PM me. i've seen crazy prices for it but i found a good place that has it for a decent price. i know a lot of ppl were very disappointed with the hiked up price since it was advertised for way less.
btw, here's the hype video on it from Future Weapons. :D

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>
Too much text. Work on summarization please. I'm not wasting time reading all of that.

btw, here's the hype video on it from Future Weapons. :D

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

LOVE it. I love the Universality that the rifle will be bringing to the field. I like that in less than 1 minute you can swap the weapon from 5.56 to never know when you're going to run out of ammo and only have access to the enemy's weapons, knowing you can swap the barrel out and use your own weapon that you KNOW will function is priceless.
well went to arrange my gun course.l wanted to take the non restricted and restricted , l found a place that teaches it for free but each course is 12 hours 3 nights in a l found another guy that does it from home he does both courses at once and its only a one day 8 hour course for $150 ,but he isnt doing a course for a month. but l can go to him and challenge the tests for the same price ,so ill just do that next week once l read the book , so wish me luck ill let you guys no late next week how it goes.
l just thought off something interesting.when l get my license and buy a hands gun,it is illegal to carry a hand gun.but when l go camping l go dirt biking and the gun will be in my backpack and ill be riding around with it so wouldnt that be illegal.if so l hope l dont get caught by a peace officer.
so you can only have the weapon at your home? I guess you can transport it to and from a range though, right?

Do you have concealed weapons permits up there?
so you can only have the weapon at your home? I guess you can transport it to and from a range though, right?

Do you have concealed weapons permits up there?

l just did more research and called a gun shop and god damn l hate canadas laws for hand they are.before you can buy a hand gun you have to become a member of a gun range.because here a hand gun can only be fired at a restricted range NO were they wont process the papers if your not a member, wich means you then have to pay a certain amount every year to be a member.then you can buy a hand gun.this pisses me off l wanted to use it at my cabin in the woods , and that is illegal . and to top it off if you cancel you member ship say the next year you will get letters in the mail saying renu your member ship or get rid of the gun , the guy told me the cops will even show up at your house after several months of to half the hand gun the goverment has you by the balls and you have to pay every cousins in the next province all have hand guns unregistered and when they go up in the mountains for the weekend hiking they bring the pistal for protection wich then is also illegal.l dont care tho ill put up with it but ill bring it to my cabin and shoot there also l dont care , the hell with already been shooting a sawed off 22 there wich is illegal and nothing happend , so what the difference. and no cenceal permits here. the goverment doesnt allow us to protect are selves.having a hand gun here seams like it will be a money pit.
FUBAR. Let freedom ring.


this is off topic but all of canada laws are FUBAR.did you know its illegal to protect your own home from an law your supposed to hide and call the police and let the intruders take what they want till the police get cant defend with force or you will be charged,if you kill the person with a registerd gun after you warned them and they charge at you and you kill them , you will be charged with man slaughter or muder 2.canada has no self defence laws and all the laws benefit criminals and prosecute the good citizen.just like are gun laws,its made very difficult for good working citizens to have a gun but the criminals get them with ease. if a women is about to be raped by a man and she sprays him with mace he can sue here for assault,its been done.canada has zero self defence laws.this was my rant.
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Too much text. Work on summarization please. I'm not wasting time reading all of that.

LOL!!! The bulk of the text was in quotes of previous posts in order to reply to them individually and then quotes by the United States of America's founding fathers regarding the 2nd Amendment. Those founding father quotes should be required reading in all middle and high schools. Unfortunately they are not.

I hope that was summarized sufficiently for your attention span.
this is off topic but all of canada laws are FUBAR.did you know its illegal to protect your own home from an law your supposed to hide and call the police and let the intruders take what they want till the police get cant defend with force or you will be charged,if you kill the person with a registerd gun after you warned them and they charge at you and you kill them , you will be charged with man slaughter or muder 2.canada has no self defence laws and all the laws benefit criminals and prosecute the good citizen.just like are gun laws,its made very difficult for good working citizens to have a gun but the criminals get them with ease. if a women is about to be raped by a man and she sprays him with mace he can sue here for assault,its been done.canada has zero self defence laws.this was my rant.

That is truly pathetic. I feel your pain.
Took my M4, 1903, and 1911 to the range, today.

1903 was incredible. Ya'll've got to get one of these. Insanely accurate even with plain-jane irons.
nice! i had to look it up though. i'm not that old. :D

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