Leaked footage of Grace without makeup:
Then she's clearly much cuter than you give her credit for.
Leaked footage of Grace without makeup:
See for me my Halloween would be insane.
It would be Purge like.
Myers comes out every Halloween during the day and evening.
No one knows why.
He mysteriously arrives and disappears at midnight November 1st.
Government knows and can’t stop it.
Many in the population think the government is behind it but THEY’RE NOT!
I’m torn if I would just have him be a USA phenomenon or be a worldwide threat.
Not just Haddonfield either he would be right smack in the middle of Washington Heights lol
Alien, ghost, government who knows!
But be prepared because he’s here, he’s everywhere.
Why Halloween who knows just adds to the mystery.
[FONT=&][FONT=&]The boycott H18 petition has started making the social media rounds due to Jamie Lee Curtis’s me2 leftist views during her very lengthy press tour.[/FONT][/FONT]