Super Freak
Damn, let's go Tuesday! Get here faster. 
Extremely excited for this! 9.8 is a marvelous score, and the reviewer was speaking gold to my ears. I'm glad the multiplayer hasn't changed much, but I'm more pleased to hear how good the story and campaign are. 343 look to have done some serious justice to the franchise.
That link is not working for me.
Is this the same soundtrack:
Wow. If that isn't the most generic, boring, uninteresting scores i've heard in a while. What the ****. That sounds NOTHING like Halo.
I don't care if Marty isn't doing the score. You do a Halo game score, you make it sound like Halo. Period.
Oh man I so want COD to ****ing disappear. I know thats unlikely but I would love for Halo to become the multi beast again.
The track you quoted was fan made from samples.
I don't. Leave all the ******* and kiddies lapping up the latest cod update every year. I love how fun halo MP is compared to other shooters.
I've heard the actual track. It's just as bad. No Halo theme = not a Halo score.
Cade Ainsworth, a 16 year old Halo fan from Gluckstadt, Mississipi, was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer at the age of 14 years old. His mother, Dianna Ainsworth, spoke about how his favourite gaming franchise gave him something to live for and how “It gave him a chance to be the hero and win at something when he had no control over anything in his life”.
When 343 Industries learned about Cade’s illness, they invited him out to the headquarters to spend a day with the team in what his mother called “the best day of his life”. There were also discussions of shipping an advanced copy of the latest instalment to him, however about six months after Cade went into remission, his cancer returned and he tragically passed away on July 12th.
On the news of his passing, 343 once again contacted Cade’s family and informed them that they wanted to honor Cade permanently in his favourite series by listing his name in a special section of Halo 4, titled “Heroes Never Die”.
“He could be just Cade in a video game. He wasn’t sick. Cade wasn’t bald-headed. He was just Cade,” Dianna said. Thanks to the folks at 343, Cade can still be “just Cade in a video game” while his memory also lives on in the parents who still keep his room ready, just in case someone wants to play.
It's only fitting that they bring in new music as a new developer takes over the franchise. I listened with unbiased ears and it sounded pretty damn good, something I could get into to.
Also, with the inclusion of a whole new class of enemy the gameplay is bound to feel different, if only slightly. Some people seem to be having a great deal of difficulty leaving the old trilogy in the past. This game marks the dawn of a new era in the Halo franchise. I just hope it's as good as the reviews say it to be.
No. Screw that. It's Halo. It should stay Halo. I didn't spend 10 years of my life waiting to finish a video game to just forget it. That's dumb.
Not as dumb as that score...but pretty dumb.
Even if the game is fun, i'll still hate that boring score.