Halo 4 Launch Event Information
By Bs Angel4. (Halo Waypoint)
In less than eight hours, we’ll be celebrating the launch of Halo 4 around the world starting with New Zealand, one of the closest countries to the International Date Line. Then, as the sun makes its daily procession around Earth, each consecutive region will host their frenzy of Halo 4 activity, marking the biggest game launch in Microsoft history.
In all, over 10,000 retail stores in more than 40 countries will play host to Midnight Madness launch events. In the U.S. alone, 7,000 retail doors will be flung open at midnight for a few hours to help the most eager Xbox 360 gamers and Halo fans get a jump on the rest of the population sleeping snugly in their beds. In addition to these retail activities, many countries and regions will host public launch celebrations. Europe kicked off launch festivities with theatrical flair in the principality of Liechtenstein earlier this week. Dubbed "Experience Halo", it was truly a Halo experience to remember. In all, more than 30 marquee launch celebrations will occur in major cities including Tokyo, Sydney, Hong Kong, Dubai, Toronto, Mexico, Germany, Spain, Italy and France. The United Kingdom will host an extra special activity: A spectacular stunt on the Thames in London between O2 Stadium and Tower Bridge. Executive Producer Kiki Wolfkill will be on hand for the festivities. I can neither confirm nor deny that it will be awesome. I can tell you, however, that it will be AWESOME.
For those of us stateside, Midnight Madness will take place in every major metropolitan area at GameStop, Best Buy or Microsoft Stores, to name a few participating retailers. The Microsoft Store in Austin, Texas, will host activities by leads from 343 Industries, Rooster Teeth and Certain Affinity. Best Buy in West Hollywood and Pembroke Pines, California will deliver a $10k cash prize to the winner of their Halo 4 launch night tournament. Here in Seattle, 343 Industries, Xbox 360 and the Microsoft Store in University Village welcomes one and all to join us for an evening of excitement as we ring in the release of Halo 4. Game play stations will be set up so fans can play before the game is available, the Master Chief and our brand-new, built-to-scale Warthog will be available for photo opportunities and 343 Industries – from our Creative Director Josh Holmes and Franchise Development Director Frank O’Connor – will attend the launch event en masse to meet fans and share in the launch excitement. The University Village store will also host very special guests, including the voice of the Master Chief, Steven Downes.
Regardless of where you live or how you celebrate, we hope you enjoy the newest installment in the Halo franchise. We'll see you soon, either at one of the launch events or on the virtual battlefields of Halo 4!
T'was the night before Halo when all through the house Not a creature was stirring - not even a mouse. The headsets were hung by the remotes with care In hopes that Masterchief soon would be there.
The players were nestled all snug in their beds While visions of melee-ing danced in their heads. And Cortana in her circuits and I in my gear, Had just rested our hands for a long Infinity year.
When out on the map there arose such a clatter, I sprang from my spawnpoint to see what was the matter. Away to my base I flew in a Ghost, tore away the Carbine And cursed at the host.
The moon on the breast of the new forming ennies, Gave a luster of midday to the Flood down below. When what to my bloodshot eyes should appear But a brand new Warthog and new Forrunners to fear.
With Cortana going rampant and going insane I knew in a moment - get ammo and quick! More rapid than needles his coursers they came And he whistled and shouted and called them by name.
Now Hunters! Now Jackals! Now Grunts and Elites! On Brutes! On Forrunners! On Floods little treats! To the top of crane! To the top of the wall! Now crash away, crash away, dash away all!
As dry shrapnel that after explosions fly When they meet with an obstacle mount to the sky So, up to the Sniper Roost, the coursers they flew With a Scorpion full of ammo knowing full what to do.
And then, in Solace I heard on the platform, The cursing and shrieking of each red/blue mourn. As I drew my light rifle and was turning around, Down the Masterchief came with a bound.
He was dressed all in armor from his head to his toe And it was tarnished and damaged from battles we know. A bundle of weapons he had flung on his back And I wanted to kiss him in spite of his sack.
His face, it was hidden, his mask was of gold He truly was a sight to behold. He had broad shoulders and confident stance. I thought to myself - gotta get some of those pants!
With a flick of his wrist and a swipe of his hand, 4 Plasma Grenades at my feet did land. And a Shotgun, a Rocket Launcher with ammo he laid down And I knew that a Mantis soon would be found!
Then tapping his mask with the tip of his gun I knew it was time to start having some fun He sprang to his Warthog - to his captors gave a whistle And away they all flew as if they were hit with a pistol.
But I heard him exclaim as they drove out of sight, Happy Halo to all - now finish the fight! (Enjoy Halo 4 folks!)
-Anon internet poet