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I got this game for Christmas and was really excited to play it. Sadly, I was very disappointed. I finished the campaign in around 8 hours. Played it in one sitting. I don't do much MP and it just bums me out that they would put out a game with such an incredibly short campaign.I liked how they continued the story...but I am glad this was a gift because if I had paid $60+ for 8 hours of game play I would be pissed.
Same here! But I can't say i'm disappointed, because I expected it to be what it was. I'm just sad I was right.
Aside from the stunning cinematics, and graphics, it was a half assed attempted at continuing the story. Which made no sense. I have no idea what happened. But apparently, I have to find the terminals, and read the books to figure that out. **** that. No thank you. Bungie had the decency to tell a solid story WITHOUT doing that. Sure, you COULD, and it would heighten the experience, but you didn't NEED too.
But the music really ruined the entire game for me. Without the Halo theme blasting, I have a really hard time getting INTO the game. I don't feel like i'm in my own story any more. And that was a major bummer. The music was awful, in every possible way. The most bland, generic, Hollywood score I've heard in a while. Not one stand out theme. Just noise.
I gave up on the 3rd to last level, and just WATCHED the rest of the game. None of the battles were fun. The Prometheans are ridiculously difficult. Very tedious. Not to mention the ****ed up save points.
Where's all the BIG WIDE OPEN epic battles? Why is every fight located in a small area with little room to roam? So dull.
I did try and give it a chance. I warmed up to it once the Prometheans came in. They felt new, and fresh. But then they partnered with the Covenant. Why? WHY? ****ing hell. And then the rest of the game was a Tron Legacy, Star Wars, Independence Day, and Thor rip off. It didn't feel like something fresh.
Also, what was up with that villain? He doesn't fit in at all in the Halo Verse. He looks like something out of Star Trek, or Warcraft. And his name sucks too. Actually, all the names suck. Prometheans, Didact, COMPOSER??? Ragh. RAGH.
I don't get the hate for Reach. That game was MUCH better then this. AND it felt different enough, but STILL had the grand scope you'd expect from this series.
343, you can have Halo. I'm good.