Han and Luke as Stormtroopers - SDCC '09

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10 days I was told but I'm not going to ship the whole thing back with out a fight. Quality control for this figure suck @$$, I was totally heart broke when I got mine.
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First time my local retailer isn't carrying this Sideshow item. Seems like I have to source for this one on the net.:(
Anyone get a response from SS on their set going back? Are they shipping the whole thing or pieces that are issues?

I suspect that the only answer will be: all or nothing, but here's hoping

I filled out their online form on Friday, but I haven't heard anything back beyond the auto email respond which says this:

"Please note that we handle all returns and replacement requests for direct customers in the order in which they are received. We appreciate your patience during this time, as it may take up to seven (7) business days, (Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 5:30 pm PT) for our Returns Department to process your request and contact you with further information. In order to assist us in responding to everyone quickly, we request that clients only contact our department once, either by e-mail or by phone. Multiple inquiries will only delay our response to you, by readjusting your place in the request line."

...which kinda sucks because on the website they say they'll only take 2 days to respond! And they told Lopie 10 days?! And they are so specific about not letting you follow up!

But I imagine they're still busy from Comic Con, so I'll cut them some slack.

It's just a shame that the figures are all packed up on my desk instead of being on display! They really are nice figures--just suffered from poor QC. Mine has so many little things that I imagine they'll make me send the whole thing back instead of just the pieces.
Anyone get a response from SS on their set going back? Are they shipping the whole thing or pieces that are issues?

I suspect that the only answer will be: all or nothing, but here's hoping

I actually got a "Human" reply straight away - but I'm dealing with the EU warehouse, said they would look into it and get back to me, also said sending pictures of the problem helped a lot.

I'm thinking that there are going to be a lot of complaints over these two. Sideshow have clearly had a big problem with the factory making these (and none of us know the details - could be a new factory, could have been rushed to meet deadline etc etc)

if the usual policy is to do a complete swap they might not have enough units to do that! I'm hoping they will treat this as a one off ^^^^-up and replace specific parts as needed. It would be easier for them toproduce a bunch of chest armour and heads (seems to be where most problems lie) and put this behind them!
If a lot of customers want to send these back, then I agree that SSC will not have enough reserve stocks for their usual 1 to 1 replacement policy. They may not even have the parts to use as replacements if the QC problem is widespread enough since every item they have is probably from the same production run.

That may be the reason for the slower than usual response from SSC. They are probably deciding what to do with these returns before replying to us.
Assuming that's the case Toystales, and I have to say I think your right, how would other freaks feel about keeping what we've got and accepting a credit note? Say $50 off another purchase?

I'd rather have perfect figures but I'm thinking their all gonna suffer from the same problems and a replacement could be a lottery where you end up with a worse set.
Assuming that's the case Toystales, and I have to say I think your right, how would other freaks feel about keeping what we've got and accepting a credit note? Say $50 off another purchase?

I'd rather have perfect figures but I'm thinking their all gonna suffer from the same problems and a replacement could be a lottery where you end up with a worse set.

Well sure, I'd take the coupon and keep what I've got. My issues are minor, and if it was just one or two of the issues, I'd be willing to let it go. It's just that there are several bad little things that they all add up. I'm also afraid of getting a worse set than what I've got. But I think the bad ones are still in the minority. We just don't hear as much from the satisfied customers out there.
I hear what your saying 'Ol' Jim and of course I could be jumping the gun. Issues could be with a very small percentage.
But I have a gut feeling it's more than that. Even on the good ones I think it's fair to say the paint aps are sub par.
Most of the issues I have are with the poor application of the gloss White paint running, rubbing and pooling. There are small hairs stuck in it also. Add to that the wonky shoulder strap (which a few people have mentioned - me too, and the chip on one of the helmets) I think when alls said and done these were rushed.

Ahh heck, guess well wait and see what Sideshow say. Their a fair company, I'm sure they will do right by us all.
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mine was just fine, except Han's skin is orange but I guess thats not really a "QC" issue as thats how I guess its supposed to be...:lol.

the eyes are very slightly pointing different directions, but its not bad enough to sent back.




I wonder how the attendee versions sold at SDCC. If they still have a lot left over from the show, those should make it back into non-attendee circulation and more to exchange from! I just hope they tend to the people who want exchanges before they start fulfilling waitlisters!

Sorry to any of you waitlisters, but I want to get my (no-issues) replacement set! :peace