Han and Luke as Stormtroopers - SDCC '09

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That second picture of Han is great. The pose really fits the expression on his face.
Did something similar myself ...

I dont think so, they look to be leather-like. I DO like the Medi trouser belt.. but it would never fit around a TT. I need to find a smaller one for my Han because looking at the one he has now.. too big.
I just got my replacement here at work, and it looks okay. I noticed that Han's left eye is drifting a little to the side, but that's fine. It's centered vertically, so there's not any overlap on the eyelid like my previous one had. And all the armor seems okay--no glue smudges. I only glanced in at it through the box, and I'll give it a full inspection when I get home. They also packed it in a larger box with lots of stuffing and a sticker on the outside that says, "Package damaged? What to do:" which I imagine is probably standard operating procedure with exchanges, to insure damage doesn't happen during shipping (if it did the first time).
Just sent in mine for a replacement. Hopefully they still have a good set, and i'll get it soon. And hopefully that one isn't as screwed up as the first one. :/
These pics with the head swaps look amazing. I can't wait to see one of the regulars repaint these (I won't be doing any for a while). I always loved Trevors original headsculpts for Luke & Han (and still do!) but I think these new ones are maybe even better.

This is what the old Luke looks like with a repaint.... so I am dying for somebody to repaint these two new ones. :rock

These pics with the head swaps look amazing. I can't wait to see one of the regulars repaint these (I won't be doing any for a while). I always loved Trevors original headsculpts for Luke & Han (and still do!) but I think these new ones are maybe even better.

This is what the old Luke looks like with a repaint.... so I am dying for somebody to repaint these two new ones. :rock

i've just visited your website last nite..and i'm bowled over by your skill!! really good stuffs you created there!!!... :banana
Are they the medicom RAH ones...actually a lot of that figure (shirt, belt, etc.) looks to be the Medicom RAH one...:confused:

The breakdown is as follows:

shirt - medicom,
waistcoat- sideshow
thin belt - medicom
gun belt - bit of a mixed bag: medicom parts on DiD chinese earthquake belt, sideshow drop down holster part, medicom holster, leg wrap made from DiD belt. studs etc from parts box.
pants- medicom , but will be changing back to sideshow if anyone wants them ?
boots - leather officer boots
body- Hot Toys Goemon truetype with shaped neck.

The picture makes the figure look pretty awful, but in person it looks really cool ! I have to repaint the head though.
Well, I got to inspect my replacements yesterday and they're pretty good. They're not perfect, but they'll do. As I mentioned before, Han's left eye is wandering off to the left but it's not that noticeable. And Luke's belt is pretty atrocious. The holster has glue and silver paint smudges all over it. And the little white block that hangs down from the belt on the left has a big glue spill on half of it. I can probably clean up the holster with some acetone, and the glue spill on the block thing isn't that noticeable. It's a clean, smooth spill. So I'm fine with the new set. I don't think these issues warrant a second return and I would have been fine with it if this was the first set I got. They look great as these are all issues that you would have to really look for in order to spot them.

Here are some pics I took this morning:





Even with the problems with paint, if anyone had said in the Hasbro years that soon enough you'd have access to figures that looked like these... nobody would believe you :rock

Indeed. I sometimes get caught up in things around here regarding the scrutiny of figures, but truly, I am very happy with the caliber 1/6 figures are at these days.

When I got my first Sideshow and Hot Toys figures, I was blow away. I was so used to Hasbro's misproportioned base bodies, limited articulation and poorly done clothes, the Sideshow line was a HUGE breath of fresh air. When I got Episode 3 Anankin and every part of his costume was a full piece, not some half assed dickie shirt or halter top type thing trying to cut back on materials, I was amazed and excited.

1/6 figures offer the realism and quality solid plastic stuff, and especially the 6 inch and smaller scaled figures, just can never offer, and are the types of figures I know I dreamed of my little 4" Hasbro Star Wars figures being.