Turned my stomach and was surprised they got away with it. Reminds me of The X-Files " Home" episode that some stations refused to air and was not re-aired in syndication. Overall, though, this symbiotic relationship between Will and Hannibal with them both being in every scene (significant one) together is growing a bit tiresome. With what happened last night and the speed with which this season is going, I can't see it making it past a 3rd season.
Turned my stomach and was surprised they got away with it. Reminds me of The X-Files " Home" episode that some stations refused to air and was not re-aired in syndication. Overall, though, this symbiotic relationship between Will and Hannibal with them both being in every scene (significant one) together is growing a bit tiresome. With what happened last night and the speed with which this season is going, I can't see it making it past a 3rd season.
How the show managed to get this episode past the censor police I have no idea. Holy crap what an episode! Michael Pitt for New 52 Joker please. Wow, I'm still blown away.
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Yeah what map is that when they've killed off Chilton (apparently, but doesn't drastically effect anything), probably will kill Jack next week(doubt it), Bella is dead now (when did that happen?), she shouldn't be dead til Hannibal, Bloom and Lounds are both women (makes a difference how?)what the hell!!!
End of changes to the novels rant.
A solid short run, a la Breaking Bad, would really work for Hannibal.
He will no doubt be caught and they can introduce Clarice. 5 series and then go out on a high.
They have seven seasons mapped out, basing them on the books.
And had toat Hannibal's reaction to Verger sticking a knife into his chair!