why do you have to have a birthday Dave?
why does it needs it own thread?
you only have 1 birthday a year? .. I think you should have more
its not even your birthday yet. your birthday sure is non-proportionately long with the rest of the birthdays
I dont even think this is really your birthday Dave. I think its really a repainted Lonnie birthday.
Dave is not even Dave. He is Obama-sanishi Wan from planet Jesus Christ Superstarberry, but the Buddhist govmt keeps it a secret.
Your birthday isnt happening at a convenient time for me. Please move it to accommodate me.
i hope somebody gives you new jeans for your Bday. Your current ones arent the right shade of blue.
BTW Dave, your likeness is way off.
Dave you dont post enough. You are obligated to interact with me. Dance for me Dave.
I'll bet you bought this birthday for retail and didnt even really want it. You just flip the date every year and profit from presents.
Hey Dave what do you think about me? I dont really care wtf you think, i just want to coax you into an eminent, pointless argument that really means nothing.
screw you Dave, Im outta here ....
..... hey Dave. .... why wont you talk to me? youre stuck up cause you have so many posts.
HFnBD Dave ..... thanks for the nothing that you do....