Freaked Out
an asp is a type of snake; the symbol for slytherin house is a snake
an asp is a type of snake; the symbol for slytherin house is a snake
Albus Severus Potter (ASP) in Slytherin. Perhaps Hugo Weasley in Gryffindor? And although once best friends (like Lily and Snape) they become mortal enemies and Albus becomes the next darklord?
I smell a sequel!
I dunno, I like the idea of a Slytherin being a hero. I know Snape was, kinda, but I like the idea of one being an over all cool person too and since he's a Potter maybe. And maybe a Gryffindor could be a villain? Just for fun.
That would be a great addtion.Id like to see someting similar to what is at the end of LotR, a timeline would be great.That would be great. I personally hope she leaves the potters/weasleys alone. I like the idea of her doing an encyclopedia though.
That would be a great addtion.Id like to see someting similar to what is at the end of LotR, a timeline would be great.
Has anybody read the HP school books, i don't know if you got them in theUSA but there were 2 relesed here for charity by JK in 2001.
Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them by Newt Seamander
Quidditch Through the Ages by Kennilworthy Whisp
Which i beleive have been mentioned through the novels, some more of these would be great as there kinda encyclopedias, which have been grafftied by the 3 heros and a forward by Dumbledore
Here is an recent (and pretty interesting) Q&A with JK Rowking:
thanks for the link to the interveiw it was really informative. One question I expected to be asked never was though
who took over hogwarts after the fall of voldemort?
I don't think of myself as a "snob" at all. Just not interested in boy witches. As for it being "dark". That's fine I guess, but I don't get into something because it's light or dark. It just has to appeal to me and HP never has.
I give you a hard time about HP, but I honestly hold nothing against anyone who likes it. it just has no appeal to me.
McGonnagal, yes? I remember reading that somewhere...