Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince--SPOILERS!!!

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Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

How the ^^^^ can people be OK with this???? That's the best part of the entire book! I mean there is no action except that part. So is Dumbledore going to live in the movie then? How is he going to die? Isn't that kind of a big part???

I may completely skip this movie if this is the case. How the hell can they ^^^^ up one of the most important parts of the entire series????
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

DAVID HEYMAN: The reason why we left out the Battle at Hogwarts is because we have a battle at Hogwarts in the Seventh film and we are avoiding repetition. Dumbledore’s funeral was something that I really loved and is a fantastic part of the book and part of me would have loved it in the film. But we decided that while we loved it that what we came up with was the right ending for the film that we had made.

Maybe there shouldn't be wizards and witches in this either, since the first five films featured that crap already.:lol:lol:lol
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Glad i put off reading the books and am just sticking to the movies otherwise i'd probably be pissed.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

It's David Heyman, actually. And wouldn't the big battle at Hogwart's be in the 8th film? The 7th will just be a a lot of camping scenes. Maybe Harry should join the Boy Scouts.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

It's David Heyman, actually. And wouldn't the big battle at Hogwart's be in the 8th film? The 7th will just be a a lot of camping scenes. Maybe Harry should join the Boy Scouts.

Why does everyone say that about the 7th book? There were only a few camping chapters and most of them were really good. You have the one early when Ron leaves (vital to the story), then they go to Godric's Hollow. And then the chapter where Ron comes back. It's not like they're going to spend an hour of that movie in the woods.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

^^^^ this movie. ^^^^ it. The ending of the book including the Battle at Hogwarts is the perfect climax. How else do they plan to show the fulfilling of the pact with Snape, etc? This movie just screwed the pooch and if its left unchanged I guarantee you that Potter fans will not only bash the hell of this film but protest it completely. People who go to book launch parties are not the people you want to mess with....you'd think someone in the production team would realize that.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

^^^^ this movie. ^^^^ it. The ending of the book including the Battle at Hogwarts is the perfect climax. How else do they plan to show the fulfilling of the pact with Snape, etc? This movie just screwed the pooch and if its left unchanged I guarantee you that Potter fans will not only bash the hell of this film but protest it completely. People who go to book launch parties are not the people you want to mess with....you'd think someone in the production team would realize that.

That's the truth, when I went with my cousin for Deathly Hallows she was ready to usurp the manager and start barking orders at the employees because she didn't feel it was organized enough.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

It's David Heyman, actually. And wouldn't the big battle at Hogwart's be in the 8th film? The 7th will just be a a lot of camping scenes. Maybe Harry should join the Boy Scouts.

Who cares what his name is? If he can't see how important Dumbledor's funeral is to the overall story his name can be Mud for all I care.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Who cares what his name is? If he can't see how important Dumbledor's funeral is to the overall story his name can be Mud for all I care.

Like it was said in his book, Dumbledore's death represents that harry is truly on his own from that moment on, making his own destiny. His last and greatest defenders was dead and it was up to him (and friends) alone to stop Voldemort. Still can't believe that they are leaving that part out
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

And to think.....he's on for the final film(s). I'm just so very thrilled. :banghead :read :bborg :stake
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

I have to think they'll handle Dumbledore's death okay. I think how Sirius' death was done was better in the movie than in the book. It was much more final in the film, whereas the way the book was written I was sure he was coming back. It's the same producing team, so hopefully Albus will get a worthwhile send off.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

I'm more interested in seeing the chase across the Hogwarts lawn than Dumbledore's funeral. It's the death and the effect it has on Harry that matter more than the ceremony.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

I'm more interested in seeing the chase across the Hogwarts lawn than Dumbledore's funeral. It's the death and the effect it has on Harry that matter more than the ceremony.

From what we said earlier in the thread, apparently they just show the death eaters walking out of hogwarts after the scene with Dumbledore. So you won't even get that either.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

From what we said earlier in the thread, apparently they just show the death eaters walking out of hogwarts after the scene with Dumbledore. So you won't even get that either.

I thought that was just in reference to the death scene. I didn't think that was the actual end of the movie, but who knows?
I'm actually encouraged by the interview. At least there is a possibility that they will may make changes in the meantime. Regardless, I don't think anyone is out to make a bad movie on purpose and I think even the worst of the series so far have been made with good intentions. It is possible when interpreting the novels to film that you can lose sight of some of the fundamentals. Hopefully the test screenings will make it clear that the audience wants the landmark scenes even if the creative team feels they don't need them to get the point across.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

I have to think they'll handle Dumbledore's death okay. I think how Sirius' death was done was better in the movie than in the book. It was much more final in the film, whereas the way the book was written I was sure he was coming back. It's the same producing team, so hopefully Albus will get a worthwhile send off.

While more final, I thought Sirus' Death was terrible in the last film. It felt forced. "Oh yeah, Gary, sorry but we have to kill you right here." "Oh, OK then." BOOM. The end.

The book was much more emotional, but it definately was more ambigious, like
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Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

While more final, I thought Sirus' Death was terrible in the last film. It felt forced. "Oh yeah, Gary, sorry but we have to kill you right here." "Oh, OK then." BOOM. The end.

The book was much more emotional, but it definately was more ambigious, like
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At first, Rowling never really described which curse had hit him and then him dissapearing through the veil. At first, I think she might have wanted to leave it up to the reader's interpretation of what happened to him. She kind of left you a glimmer of hope that maybe, possibly, he might come back. I, myself, thought that he might come back, or at least wished it to happen; he was one of my favorite characters. Then later, it is mentioned that the dead are seperated to the living, as if by a veil, kinda left a sense of finality to the subject.

But the film gave you a "OH, HE'S DEAD" moment.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

I liked the book version of Sirius' death because it allowed me at least to feel the same way that Harry did, I empathized with him as opposed sympathizing with him.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

So is the "COWARD!" part even going to be in? Or does that get left out with the rest of the finale.

Anyways, the huge scene at the end of book 7 won't be till movie 8 (if we can trust them to split the book into 2 parts and not make a non-existent 8th :rolleyes:). Plus it was a lot bigger. Like the end of Fellowship compared to Helm's Deep, maybe even the attack on Minas Tirith.

When you put it down to the basics, there's already a lot of repetition.
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Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

I hope they don't have any magic in the 6th film because it's been done to death in the first 5 already :rolleyes: