Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince--SPOILERS!!!

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Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Unfortunately, one can say that the "magic" has slowly been disappearing from the films since Sorcerers Stone. SS had so much whimsy to it, its a far cry from the last film. They need to put back the "awe" in the films but maintain the darkness of the story.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Unfortunately, one can say that the "magic" has slowly been disappearing from the films since Sorcerers Stone. SS had so much whimsy to it, its a far cry from the last film. They need to put back the "awe" in the films but maintain the darkness of the story.

:rotfl:rotfl That's one of the reasons why I love the first film. Really truly put you in another world, while the others (besides PoA) really try to ground the stories. Hope they change that, but I doubt it.

So is the "COWARD!" part even going to be in? Or does that get left out with the rest of the finale.

Anyways, the huge scene at the end of book 7 won't be till movie 8 (if we can trust them to split the book into 2 parts and not make a non-existent 8th :rolleyes:). Plus it was a lot bigger. Like the end of Fellowship compared to Helm's Deep, maybe even the attack on Minas Tirith.

When you put it down to the basics, there's already a lot of repetition.

If Harry and Snape don't have the "coward" fight scene at the end, then there really is no reason to introduce the Half-Blood Prince's book or even call it that. Can't believe these morons who made this film.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Not having the final battle seems to do away with the reason for Dumbledore's Army. In my opinion all of that was Rowling building up the student's ability to assist in defending Hogwarts. Without that scene alot of the DA scene in the last movie lose their poignancy imo.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince


Oct 3 2008:Before You Buy That Harry Potter Desk Calendar Just for the Photos...

Here they are! (via JoBlo) Yes, whoever made the Harry Potter desk calendar this year committed a grave error: they included unreleased studio images from whatever Harry Potter movie we're on at this point! And now someone on a LiveJournal community has posted all 40-some of them, so enjoy.

Link for the pics:

Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Is this supposed to be Lavendar Brown???


No idea who this is either


Nor her

Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

I can't wait for this movie to come out in 7 weeks.

Oh wait........................

I can't wait so see some movie about vampires in 7 weeks :monkey2
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

I'm expecting the full wrath of the JK Rowling mafia to come down upon me, but I aint never read none of her books or nuffin, I did however try to get into the movies, but after the first film (which had a coolness to it) all the other just blend into one... kinda dull and messy, especially the last one, very messy!
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

The trailer was great - it does reinforce my worry about Gambon being the weakest link. The shot of him on the island was brilliant though.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

That trailer actually assuages the feelings I had that this movie may be a train wreck.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Looks good to me, but then again i don't read the books.

July is still a stupid time for a release. (we should be seeing this NOW!)
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

That trailer actually assuages the feelings I had that this movie may be a train wreck.

I agree. Thank goodness Steve Kloves is back writing the script.

And I wish this were coming out this year. :monkey2
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

SS is the best in the series. Along with COS, and POA. '

The rest suck IMO.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

That trailer was great. I am looking forward to it.

Also, it appears as though someone finally gave that "new" Dumbledore some acting lessons. Hopefully he isn't so harsh, or rough as he has been in the last few films. Dumbledore is gentle not clumsy and oafish.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

I must saw, that trailer makes the movie not look ridiculous like the first one did. Still think we should be seeing it his month though..........