Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince--SPOILERS!!!

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Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Not sounding good at all. Maybe the year delay won't be such a bad thing if they do some reshooting!
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

That doesn't sound promising, but they aren't postponing it to reshoot, just for cash flow. But when I read the book I could just see that last battle on the big screen, and if they've slighted that I will be very disappointed.

The romance is important, but if they're trying to turn HP into Twilight someone has their priorities all ^^^^ed up.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Same here Dave, I've been dying to see the last battle in the movie since I read it.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Harry Potter lawsuit settled

As reported on IVC2.com:

Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling has won a landmark “fair use” court case against the small Muskegon Michigan-based publisher RDR Books as U.S. District Court Judge Robert Patterson has ordered that RDR not publish The Harry Potter Lexicon, which is based on a Website created by Steven Vander Ark. The Judge ruled that The Harry Potter Lexicon infringed on Rowling’s copyright and awarded her $750 for each of the seven Harry Potter novels and for the two books she has written about the Harry Potter universe a total of $6,750.

The award is hardly the most important outcome of this case (see “Copyright Battle Threatens Unofficial Guides”), which could have profound influence on the publication of compendia based on popular works. Fair use cases tend to be considered on a case-by-case basis, something that heartened the lawyers from the Stanford Fair Use Project, who were encouraged “by the fact the Court recognized that as a general matter authors do not have the right to stop the publication of reference guides and companion books about literary works.” Still the case could have a chilling effect on major publishers whose legal staffs might be reluctant to put the company in the position of mounting an expensive defense of an “unofficial guide” or compendium based on a popular property.

Warner Bros., which supported Ms. Rowling’s claim, was pleased with the verdict and issued the following statement: “We are obviously pleased with today’s ruling by Judge Patterson supporting the position that the proposed lexicon book infringes on Ms. Rowling’s rights. As a content company, it is imperative that we work vigorously on all fronts to protect the intellectual property rights of those who create the stories and characters, words, pictures and music that entertain and benefit the worldwide audience.”

J.K. Rowling was considerably more subdued in her response: “I took no pleasure at all in bringing legal action and am delighted that this issue has been resolved favourably, I went to court to uphold the right of authors everywhere to protect their own original work… Many books have been published which offer original insights into the world of Harry Potter. The Lexicon just is not one of them.”

RDR Books has not decided whether or not it should appeal the judge’s decision. Certainly this case deals with some of the murkiest and most complicated areas of copyright law, and there are certainly valid points of contention from both sides in this dispute. Judge Patterson took pains in his decision to say that compendium works generally serve a useful function and should be encouraged—the problem is that, in spite of his disclaimer, his decision just might have the opposite effect.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince


This is horrible. ESPECIALLY the end.

Maybe they'll actually get the last book close to right with it cut into 2 movies, but so ^^^^ing what.

I understand stuff needing to be left out, but then they go an rape what they "leave in".

So much good stuff is left out and what they put in is so little it seems insignificant and forgettable.

That final battle as the death eaters escape had SO much emotion in the book, just like the battle at the end of OoTP. If they cut that out, that's just bullcrap.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

I finally got the courage and clicked on the link to Ain't It Cool. I just don't know what to say. :sick
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

I finally got the courage and clicked on the link to Ain't It Cool. I just don't know what to say. :sick

I'm not even going to think about it for now. The release date is so far off that anything can happen. Dave is right, they didn't postpone to do reshoots, but maybe the reaction from test screenings will lead them there anyway.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

It may only be a matter of re-editing existing footage.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

But when I read the book I could just see that last battle on the big screen, and if they've slighted that I will be very disappointed.

Same here Dave, I've been dying to see the last battle in the movie since I read it.

That final battle as the death eaters escape had SO much emotion in the book, just like the battle at the end of OoTP. If they cut that out, that's just bullcrap.

Exactly. I was tense and my adrenaline was pumping reading it. I could totally see that playing out on screen and was looking forward to seeing it right after getting through it.

I wonder what's going to happen with the last book. Things happen to characters that have been neglected in the movies. I don't think they'll leave them out, but if you haven't read the books, it's going to be hard to feel much of anything.

The movies are so dumbed-down. Some great significant stuff is left out and what is there is barely much, sometimes even a throw away line (which makes it insignificant in the movies).

It's like you have to read the books to get the rest of what's there.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Wow, this sounds bad. I was SO looking forward to this film and it sounds like they cut most of the book out. I hope this gets fixed although I doubt it. How the hell could this script have been accepted????
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

The last film was easily the worst in the franchise. This sounds to be going further into the pit of disappointment.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

The last film was easily the worst in the franchise. This sounds to be going further into the pit of disappointment.


It's funny. People criticize Columbus' films in saying that they were too literal book-to-film translation. Which to me, isn't such a bad thing. PoA was the the first departure from the books and to me best of the series; but at least that kept the main plot points and issues and tones of the book. Granted OoTP had a lot of fluff to take out, the end for me saved the whole film. As it looks with HBP, they not only messed up the ending, but they also took out crucial points that made the whole book enjoyable. I really hope this film is saved.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Interview with producer:

As you know, Half-Blood Prince screenings were recently held in Chicago, which has given fans an idea what to expect come July 2009. Many were shocked to see the omission of the Battle at Hogwarts and Dumbledore's funeral. Can you explain why these scenes were left out?

DAVID HEYMAN: The reason why we left out the Battle at Hogwarts is because we have a battle at Hogwarts in the Seventh film and we are avoiding repetition. Dumbledore’s funeral was something that I really loved and is a fantastic part of the book and part of me would have loved it in the film. But we decided that while we loved it that what we came up with was the right ending for the film that we had made.

Is it possible that given the delay in release, that Half-Blood Prince may be tweaked, according to the reactions from the screenings?

DAVID HEYMAN: Oh absolutely! The reason for a screening such as the one in Chicago is to give us information about any areas of confusion or pace or any issues that may arise, and work on them. So over the last couple of weeks, we have been working incredibly hard on the cut of the film and we will make changes to improve it. It is something that we have done with every film in the Harry Potter series.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Interview with producer:

Well it's official, that guy's a Moron.

DAVID HEYMAN: The reason why we left out the Battle at Hogwarts is because we have a battle at Hogwarts in the Seventh film and we are avoiding repetition

WTF is up with that. That scene had MUCH more than just a battle. If those people can't see that, then that's just sad.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

That is the dumbest thing I have heard. Dumbledore's funeral is practically the launch for book 7 imo.