Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince--SPOILERS!!!

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Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

I can understand the reason for changing it, but excuse me while I let me arrogance show for a moment.

Heaven forbid Americans may know the legend of the Philosopher's Stone and call it by its proper name.

Okay, I feel better now.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

I do feel that Sorcere's Stone works better with the alliteration that is frequent in Rowling books.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

I got so ticked at the name change, when it came out on DVD, I bought the Canadian version so I could have the proper name. :banana
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

I can understand the reason for changing it, but excuse me while I let me arrogance show for a moment. Heaven forbid Americans may know the legend of the Philosopher's Stone and call it by its proper name. Okay, I feel better now.

Personally, I haven't read any of the books but one (HBP) but I'm more interested in snagging the UK versions, I heard they were longer and there was a bit of stuff in it that wasn't in the US versions....so I want to know the Philosopher's Stone legend and I'm American!! :D
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

With 'Watchmen' and the new Star Trek trailer, I'm surprised no one posted this yet.(not really, I'm sure we're all excited about 'Watchmen' :D) New HBP trailer!


Very nice. I'm sorry I read the early comments about the screenings of this film - the trailers are giving me more confidence that it's going to be good. I'm even feeling a little better about Gambon.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

It does look like its going to be good, I still have concerns though.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Looks great :rock I'm still very excited about it but... the one thing that worries me is how they did the ending.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Looks good to me, have not read the books though.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Looks good to me, have not read the books though.

Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Trailers look good, but I am still worried about the important stuff they left out.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

I was always just a fan of the movies and hadn't read the books until after seeing the fifth movie. My impetus was that on the ride back from the movie's midnight show, two of my friends just ^^^^^ed non-stop about how it sucked and the book was light-years better... only to later admit that the book was their least liked of the series. I went through the book series in about a month, and I actually think the books really hit their stride in the fifth, which contained surprisingly concrete political undertones and was written for a more mature audience. That said, just because the movie was different than the book doesn't make the movie poor in and of itself. OOTP was actually quite excellent.

I don't like to directly compare movies to the books upon which they were based; different mediums, different translations of the tale. I like to consider them separate stories, different interpretations of the same events and characters. I'm looking forward to HBP immensely, and even if it diverges greatly from the book it should be spectacular. Anxious to see Snape thrust back into the fore.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

OOTP was actually quite excellent.

Ugh. I really dislike both OotP the book and film. Hopefully David Yates doesn't screw up HBP too badly, it's my fav.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

That's what she said.


Ugh. I really dislike both OotP the book and film. Hopefully David Yates doesn't screw up HBP too badly, it's my fav.

Both the book and screenplay were written more for dialogue and the consequences of action than action itself. It's one of those necessary tales that ties together arcs, being that Voldemort just returned and it's an attempt at getting the word out while that word is being oppressed by those trying to cover it up.

HBP, though, is just jam-packed with action. It should be magnificent all around.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Oooo. I have a bit more faith this will not suck.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

I sure hope the extra 8 months of waiting were used to improve the film. It wouldn't make any sense not to with that amount of time. I'm still pissed about this being delayed 8 months because the Dark Knight did so freaking well at the box office. If Watchmen ends up being a hit we may never see this released.