Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince--SPOILERS!!!

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Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

In the book when Harry does the spell on Draco, I can't imagine that passing a PG rating. Has anyone heard whether this was cut or tones down?
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

I thought so. Seems odd they would go back to PG, especially since things are only getting more intense as the story progresses.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

I dont think its odd. Cut things or tone things down so that more kids can go see it and bring the parents to add to the box office.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Id say because for a long time most of the population was illiterate so they didn't need to control them but anyone can watch a movie, hence the need to control and restrict.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Does look great, but they are revealing tons about the plot of the film. And I'm surprised that they tell you straight out that Draco has a mission....it was a red herring in the book until the end

Even though we should have seen this film about 5 months ago :banghead:banghead:banghead:banghead


It's said in the beginning of the book.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince


It's said in the beginning of the book.

Well, you really didn't know what he was going to do.....I meant to the main characters (Harry/Herm/Ron). I could see for movie purposes, to leave that another mystery to solve towards the end of the film, to people who have not read the book.

Just noticed something as I watched it again, was that Bellatrix running along the tables towards the end of the trailer?
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Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Wow...they do give out a lot. Especially the "Fight back Coward" sequence if you are paying attention.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Wow...they do give out a lot. Especially the "Fight back Coward" sequence if you are paying attention.

Well, they're assuming that most people in the universe have read the books; which is probably true at this point.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

I do have a hard time seeing the current Dumbledore do the scene at the end of Sorcerer's Stone where he has the every flavor bean and its earwax.

Anyone know why she changed the title from Philosopher's Stone to Sorcerer's Stone for the American edition?

I can understand the reason for changing it, but excuse me while I let me arrogance show for a moment.

Heaven forbid Americans may know the legend of the Philosopher's Stone and call it by its proper name.

Okay, I feel better now.

LOL Necroquote.

Had to chime in here. the Title of that particular book is not all that was changed. there are several pasages in the earlier books that were changed becuase there was concern of "occult references" in the books, and an attempt was made to drive a early wedge there to avoid the sterotypical "americian Moral right" nonsense that still wants to burn witches at the stake. along with pokemon cards, magic the gathering and dungeons and dragons books.

As some of you may know, this was only marginaly sucsessful.

Idiocy like that makes me ashamed of my country some times.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

LOL Necroquote.

Had to chime in here. the Title of that particular book is not all that was changed. there are several pasages in the earlier books that were changed becuase there was concern of "occult references" in the books, and an attempt was made to drive a early wedge there to avoid the sterotypical "americian Moral right" nonsense that still wants to burn witches at the stake. along with pokemon cards, magic the gathering and dungeons and dragons books.

As some of you may know, this was only marginaly sucsessful.

Idiocy like that makes me ashamed of my country some times.

Well, I think the moderations made for the first book was more aimed at making it commercial in the US then trying to avoid occult references. THE PHILOSPOHER'S STONE isn't really known in the US. We known it at being called something else. I've read both versions and there were some passages and explanations that used different diction and verbage that I wasn't used to; I even had to look some up because I had no idea WTF Rowling was talking about :rotfl:rotfl

You have to remember, the publishers didn't know that these books were going to be a HUGE success. They just wanted to sell as many copies as possible; and changing it so most US KIDS could understand it was the highest priority. Sure, many US Adults know what a philosopher's stone is, but the books were primarily written for childres, who would have no idea what that is.

I think the whole debate and situation with occult references and anti-witchcraft resentment because public once the books became a smash hit and people became aware of it. Which is pretty sad if you ask me....
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Yeah, but I didn't know what a sorcerer's stone was either until I read the book. Honestly I may not have been familiar with the philosopher's stone at that time either. When the kid's read it they would have known what it was then at some point they may come across it again and realized its not a creation by Rowling. Although by that same token when they hear about the philosopher's stone they'll recognize it as as the sorcerer's stone. Someone dumb must have pissed me off before I wrote that. :lol
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

i think the reigious right gets overrated. 200 people get worked up over Harry Potter and everyone thinks theres a major uprising.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

dosn't matter if it's 200people, or 2. or 2 million. it's still retarded.

well there are a lot of things that a retarded. probably more people think harry potter is real than people that think harry potter is bad.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

I don't think there was anything more behind the title change than the fact that to most American's SORCERER sounds more exciting than PHILOSOPHER. Anything else was just publicity flap-flap.