Ok , I got my body today. I promsied I'd post some photos so here they are. I just realised I never took a photo of the body without the clothes off but there is a few of those about anyway.
You get the two feet , four hands ( one ready for a gun pose , one in a " natural pose " and two closed fists ). You also get a hot toys no neck joint , a hot toys normal neck connector and the bbi , dragon neck connector thing. The two hot toys neck connectors seem perfect and could have just as easily come from a truetype.
The body itself is average in my honest opinion. The upper body is quite sturdy and holds poses well but as mentioned before the leg joints are quite loose. A drop of glue might help them a little. One thing I noticed is the arms seem a little long to me. I put a saturday toys tan suit on the body and you could see the edge of the hand joints just slightly coming down , I could pull the jacket down a little to get rid of this but the arms seem longer to me than the truetypes.
The hand joints are quite tight and the hands have an ok skin tone but if you like you can just as easily swap them for hot toys hand still using the same joint.
Still though , this didn't defeat the long arms issue for me..
The stand you get is massive.

There was also selotape on it and once pulled off its left that sticky residue on it that makes it look like somebody who has just eaten a load of donuts has been playing with it.
The upper body , although sturdier than the lower as I mentioned does look very thin. This may be a blessing in disguise though as I've noticed with some bodies once all the clothing is on it can look to much so I would imagine just like in the suit above once all the clothing is on it should look about right.
Here is a shot with just a shirt on to show what I mean about the body looking thin. It also seems to give the impression that the neck is long but I didn't have this impression with a head on the figure with the suit on. I think it's simply because a little padding is needed in the shoulders.
The body overall feels alot cheaper than a truetype and also with the weak legs can't hold its poses as well ( although I could get it to stand obviously ) but if your figures use stands anyway the weakish legs aren't a massive problem. You can't really tell the difference between the two bodies in my detolf right now once it has clothing on and is on a stand.
If like me you can't find any truetypes at there normal price a few of these are worth a pick up if you can find them I would say although if a new batch of truetypes become available at a decent price I would take those instead.