Super Freak
Yeah i thought about asking for more at target, but I don't feel like going through the hassle of listing, selling and shipping them.
Finally got a damn Fett. Had to pay full retail, which bugs me a little. Got him at target. Wasn't on the shelf but an employee was happy to grab a fresh case from the stockroom. I think they had several of them too.
Saw the rest of the wave for the first time in person too, and think they look pretty damn good. Now I just need to decide if I'm getting greedo and leia tonight from HTS with the 25% off coupon, which makes them like $33 for both, or if I'll wait it out and hope they drop down to $10 on amazon.
you spent 7 hours of your (I'd assume precious) time at sdcc waiting in line for Fett!? F@ckin hell mate, can't say I'd have done that.
I'd keep that, I bet you'd regret selling it.
They just closed down the last K-Mart around here, so I've lost that hunting spot. I keep checking the Targets, though.
Not much of a loss there...
Also for all those wanting a Boba, IMO weather the storm and you will find him at retail or on sale. My town is terrible at getting hard to find toys/games. And Boba is starting to appear common
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That sucks. I got the Fett at sdcc an have considered selling it many times, particularly since I now have the regular version... But I waited in line for like 7 hours to get that ****ing thing. So on the one hand it's not worth the 125-150 I could get for it, on the other it's worth more.
Collectibles action Figure of Black Series Star Wars line.
Ah, okay SurlyJ! Then I wouldn't sell it, there'san experience behind it.Don't get why you bought the normal version though. One mib other opened? Or plan to resell?