Super Freak
I went to the Disney Store and they had about 8 cases worth of series 2 out, but all the Boba Fett's were gone. I got one on my way, but would be nice to get an extra for repainting.
They should just repack boba fett like 3 more times just to spite scalpers.
Just like every wave.until he's like the cheapest freakin thing around.
I would be very surprised if Boba wasn't repacked again. He's too popular a figure.
They should just repack boba fett like 3 more times just to spite scalpers.
Just like every wave.until he's like the cheapest freakin thing around.
Good point. Hopefully this is the case, because I'd like to get him at some point. And by the way, thanks for the clarification about your comment on my story about the Han missing the guns.
Wouldn't expect any of them. We're not gonne get much PT stuff let alone characters largely developed outside the films. On top of tha EU apparently is on a ban for a while entirely.
So apart from maaaaaaaybe Cody, I'd highly discourage any hope for 'm. I think the line would have to be very succesful and have goe through most OT stuff. That ain't there until at least a year or two.
Wow! I wonder why they ban the EU stuff for now? So many popular characters I'd imagine especially with clone wars just ending and rebels just about to start.
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Where have you been, man?
Op-ed: Disney takes a chainsaw to the Star Wars expanded universe
"Word began trickling out over Twitter last week that Disney will be drastically redefining the state of the Star Wars lore, eliminating the bifurcated mainline/EU arrangement and in its place constructing a single official canon. All things that are part of the canon are "real," as far as Star Wars is concerned; all things not in the canon are "not real." This eliminates the quasi-real EU tier—going forward, things will either exist officially, or not at all."
"Lucasfilm employee Leland Chee, who currently maintains the internal Lucasfilm database that tracks the different elements of the canon, will be one of the folks making this decision. He tweeted that "Star Wars Canon is now determined by the Lucasfilm Story Group," which he and fellow Lucasfilm employee Pablo Hidalgo are part of. When asked specifically whether the group's goal was to eliminate the mainline/EU canon arrangement and its tiers of official-ness, Chee responded with a definitive yes. "More so than ever," he said, "the canon field will serve us internally simply for classification rather than setting hierarchy."
"It's unclear at this point what in the EU will be pitched out into the trash, and what will be promoted to canon. When asked, Chee himself responded that he can't say when fans will be able to see the results the trim's impact on the universe's lore. Still, it's a safe assumption that every single bit of EU story set after The Return of the Jedi will have to go..."
(the author of this article comes off as a real turd by dumping all over the EU every chance he gets, but this sums up what's essentially going on right now)
I don't think its been "official" yet, but Hidalgo did tweet that the only things safe were the movies and the TV show, but I don't know if that was referring to Clone Wars or Rebels.