I was originally planning on getting every release from this line as I collect mostly 6" figures and Star Wars is my favorite movie series, but I have held off from getting any of them besides Darth Maul (he is one of my favorite characters) and am probably going to end up getting very few as most of them so far are either bad or characters I don't care for. I was going to pick up Darth Vader (Sith fan) but he looks like a let down. I'm hoping they'll turn this line around and raise the quality at least slightly, non of that cloth shirt on Luke crap, and do more characters, but looking at the Marvel Legends line that probably wont happen, also I was hoping for a more Marvel Legends-ish line with the 6 figures per wave kinda deal.
I really would like to see more versions of characters as well, like the different versions of Obi-Wan (TPM, AotC, Clone Wars General, ANH, and Force Ghost Obi-Wan). Their character list for me seems all over the place. I think 6 figures per themed waves would be perfect, and the themes could be TOR, KotOR 1 & 2, TPM, AotC, TCW, RotS, TFU 1 & 2, ANH, Rebels, TESB, RotJ, TFA, Legacy, high ranking Clone Troopers, the different Separatists Droids, prominent/popular/powerful Sith Lords, and prominent/popular/powerful Jedi Masters and have 2 waves per theme, as well as build-a-figures every wave, a deluxe creature per theme, a deluxe vehicle per theme, and multiple figure packs spread throughout those waves.