Boba Ben
Super Freak
I found a Rebel Fleet Trooper at Wal-Mart today. Sadly, he wasn't 3 cents, but I picked him up anyway.
Lethal Alliance
So, thanks to your comments some pages back plus the Amazon deal for $10, I decided to buy Vader. Although I bought it before Christmas, it still hasn't shipped. That's fine but I am excited to finally receive it.
Now, I want some ships only from the original trilogy and mostly all from the Empire. Ideally, I'd love ships about 6-10 inches long since that would have enough shelf presence without taking up too much space. Also, I want ships that aren't overly expensive or rare to find.
Any ideas? Thanks!
Got my case of the Black series archive figs from Dorkside yesterday:
Luke gets a nice update thanks to the print tech now
Bossk is pretty decent, really heavy, and a bit too big. Solid fig.
Fett is decent for the price point. Not close to the mafex one, but he's ok
Ig-88 has a really nice paint job on him, has excellent accessories, but is seriously FUGLY. Sculpt is seriously WTF
I keep praying for a Bandai model kit of IG-88.
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Same here. I was considering the Koto Artfx IG88, but at 8.26 inches, it's probably a tad too big for the 6"? Or what do you all think? The Hasbro one is just not gonna cut it.
Bossk needs a wash. Too clean, but that's an easy fix
The Bandai kits are really nice, but they do require some beginner level modeling work.
Im addicted to the hasbro 3 3/4” figure line of ships, but if you just want 6-10 inches, you’re only looking at speeder bikes and smaller vehicles.
The X-wing miniatures are fantastic, but very tiny unfortunately.
Then there’s always the old galoob action fleet line, but those are long out of production and I have no idea what they go for nowadays. Theyre pretty nice, but maybe not the size/scale youre looking for.