Nerf Herder
EE has free shipping? Hmmm... BBTS has them in stock too. Just waiting for my order to process.
Aren't you a little short for a princess?
I think Bespin Luke looks 100% better...
She looks about right to me
Yodasnews has posted loose and boxed images of wave 3! Stormie and Obi-Wan look about the same as what we have seen already (and no cloak for Obi-Wan), but I think Bespin Luke looks 100% better...
Yodasnews has posted loose and boxed images of wave 3! Stormie and Obi-Wan look about the same as what we have seen already (and no cloak for Obi-Wan), but I think Bespin Luke looks 100% better...
The eyes are painted droopy - but the Hamill sculpt is good.
What's the fourth figure, Billy? Bespin Luke, Stormie, Obi Wan ROTS and?