Dhaval sure belongs there.
i collect only female premium formats, i can live withut others

Dhaval sure belongs there.
Just posted by CAHobbit. I have this under the General statue thread.
Guys, apparently 17 days of preorder starts today before SDCC begins. That means the Hulk & Batman will be up for order within 3 weeks. We might even get Apocalypse. Get ready to save your money now!
I'm getting it because it's NOT the movie version.
HAHA what funny is alot of members think avengers is just a MOVIE!. "Comics!? what are those?"
i'm still miffed at the extent to which the movie version does not at all reflect comic hawkeye.
for some reason they love to dress superheros in black or dark now. I'm worried that some are wanting cap's uniform redone and they'll somehow go that route.
screw that guy.
LOL I actually like Renner a lot as an actor, and thought the movie Hawkeye was fine for what he was. He just wasn't the comic Hawkeye that I was a fan of, at all. The only things he really had in common was his general look and skills with a bow and arrow.I will!! Ty!
LOL I actually like Renner a lot as an actor, and thought the movie Hawkeye was fine for what he was. He just wasn't the comic Hawkeye that I was a fan of, at all. The only things he really had in common was his general look and skills with a bow and arrow.