HBO: The Last of Us (April 13, 2025)

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Following the premier of HBO's the Last of Us, I've watched the pilot episode twice now and so far I'm expressed.

The execution, the pacing, set design and the costumes are all phenomenal. The show realy aims to capture the atmosphere and visuals of the video game. Every frame succeeds in really tranporting you into the world of the last of us. You can tell the set designers and costume crew really cared about respecting and adapting the source material.

Overall the cast and Performances were great! Honestly I was a little worried that no material who they casted as the main duo, they'd never be able to replicate the magic that Troy and Ashley brought to the games. After Having watched the show I can safely say HBO did a great job casting Pedro and Bella. Although it's still early I really felt that both did a great job really capturing the essence of their respective characters. Both Joel and Ellie feel authentic and familiar and the addition of new lines of dialogue and the expanded scenes help keep the show's portrayal fresh and unique. Personally I love how key moments mostly stayed the same and even used dialog lifted straight of of the game.

Lastly I really love how the TV remain fairly faithful to the game's plot but at the same time wasn't afraid to streamline or edit specific plotpoints to better suit the new medium. I've played the last of us over 2 dozen times now and I can say that im fairly familiar with the game's narrative, however the show had a wonderful way of subverting my expectations and keeping me engaged despite the fact I know exactly what's happening. Subtle changes and minor inclusions can change so much and really help to flesh out the world I love sooo much.

Overall, I think show is great and i have very few issues with the way HBO seem to have adapted the series. If you havent watched the first episode I highly recommend you that you do and I'm excited to watch more in the coming months.
I'm familiar with the games but never got to play them. I only know it's a game that involves something akin to a zombie outbreak and there's a guy trying to get a young lady from point A to B. I'm entering this series with no preconceptions.

Episode 1 laid down some good groundwork that lets you understand the world they live in. I like the concept of the fungus, but I am not sold on the transmission (like how did patient 0 get infected?). The element of spores or contact other than those tentacles would have been a good one.

A good start to the series. A bit on the slow side but it has me hooked enough to see what happens next.

It's funny that I instantly thought Joel's daughter looked like Thandie Newton (Westworld/MI:2). She really looks like her mother. :lol
The original Ellie character was based off of Ellen Page ( now Eliot Page) No one disputes that. The production cycle of the first game was around the timeline when Juno was getting critical buzz and Page was seen as a rising star in Hollywood.

TLOU2 released around the timeline of Fighting With My Family and I'm still convinced Abby was partially based on Florence Pugh. Who was clearly a rising star with Little Women and Midsommar in tow.

Contenders for Abby, if she's cast will likely be

Julia Garner ( Ruth from Ozark ) as the clear favorite. Good actress. Proven. Critically acclaimed. Proven she can carry at least half of a hit show on her own. Might be seen as too old now.

Eliot Page, if only from external pressure, no matter how ridiculous a fight to the death with Bella Ramsey and Page would look on screen. (Like two 12 year olds fighting over a bucket of loose Legos... ) Mediocre performer in general ( Exhausting and pedantic in the Umbrella Academy series ) At this point, casting like this, that makes no sense but for virtue signaling, wouldn't surprise me at all.

Sydney Sweeney , HBO likes to keep the same actors in their stable. Sweeney is/was on Euphoria and White Lotus. She's about the right age and the right look and looks projectible to bulk up for the part.

Kaitlyn Dever, the original favorite for the Ellie role, might come back for this part

Liv Hewson ( Yellowjackets) can look the part but is pretty one dimensional. Not bankable as a headliner for a show.

Pugh is too big of a movie star to take this role now.

The issue with The Walking Dead was five fold. Killing Glenn was bad enough. I mean from a pure fandom perspective. People liked him, the other actors liked him, and he was there from the beginning. Second, AMC risked their larger scale international audience with that move. There are not many Asian male leads in Hollywood, so brutally killing one isn't exactly a ringing endorsement for non US markets. Third, the lead up to killing Glenn was seen as cheap and manipulative. Putting him under a dumpster and then trying to gaslight the audience was just plain stupid. Fourth, AMC kept pushing more story onto Glenn's killer, so Negan got massive plot armor and the show fell apart making everyone look incompetent for not being able to stop Negan. Fifth, AMC tried to push for Negan's redemption , which was a back door middle finger to the audience, trying to justify Negan to the audience as simply misunderstood and complex, instead of a one dimensional sadist as a pure hack like Kirkman wrote in the beginning in the comics. Anne Rice tried this with Lestat, tried to retcon him into some kind of bizarre anti-hero, and lost the last bits of her dying exhausted milked out fan base to do it.

IIRC, the TWD short term ratings peak was somewhere around 17 million viewers. They knew they couldn't hold that forever, but 15 became their reasonable consistent expectation by S5. At some point, post S9, they dipped to like 4-5 million. Sure Lincoln leaving and writing off Carl didn't help any. But AMC lost 2/3rds of their audience in a couple of years. Most of that built around being trapped into a contract with Jeffrey Dean Morgan ( they signed him and realized he was an anchor, not someone who would lift all boats ) and were too cheap to eat the money to just killed off his character.

If Mazin wants to kill of Joel, then fine. But to do it by S2 would be completely insane from a ratings perspective. Without the Joel/Ellie dynamic, you lose the appeal to family viewership. There are other reasons why the violence was toned down for this show ( they didn't want to drive away non gamers/suburban women viewers that sponsors and advertisers love so much in terms of demographics)

These are no longer the salad days of Sopranos, The Wire, Deadwood, Six Feet Under, Sex And The City, Rome, GOT, etc, etc for HBO. They don't really have a flagship show anymore. They aren't in a great position to risk losing up to half their audience for TLOU like AMC lost for killing off Glenn.

I don't see it from a money angle, but then again, I've seen more insane things happen ( Someone deciding to make Mindy Kaling's woke self loathing vanity project, Velma, for instance....)
You got a point. I don’t know how they would handle Joel’s demise. I mean we as a fanbase didn’t handle it well. Naughty dog pretty much manipulated everyone into thinking tlou2 was a Joel and Ellie story but those leaks came out in 2020 and wow. I doubt it would be a ned stark situation. Joel was such a beloved character. You knew he’d die but his death was so forced and rushed in the games. The second game just kinda throws that “hope” vibe they were going for with the first out the window. Hated what they did.
Solid first 30 minutes. The start of the time jump was less interesting before it picks up towards the end.

For someone who has never played the game I could have done with an explanation as to why there are so many survivors. If transmission is airborne why isn't everyone infected - are they immune? Do bites pass on the fungi?
Oh bloody hell... should've known there would be spoilers for such a well-known game that I have never ever played. :gah:
I made the same mistake. I've never played the games either and watched the first episode of this last night. I now know too much. I think I'll stay away from this thread.
Game spoilers need to be put in spoiler tags in this thread. Many people haven't played the game. @Asta

While the original game did come out in 2013, it would be advisable not to talk openly about important plot points which are likely to be replayed in the TV series.

There's also no real need to bring up Part II here since it's far beyond the remit of the TV series at the moment.

I'd also like to see less whinging about Abby. :lol
Solid first 30 minutes. The start of the time jump was less interesting before it picks up towards the end.

For someone who has never played the game I could have done with an explanation as to why there are so many survivors. If transmission is airborne why isn't everyone infected - are they immune? Do bites pass on the fungi?
It’s not airborne, it’s in certain foods.
As a mahoosive fan of the games, yeah parts 1 and especially 2 (the Cannibal Apocalypse of videogames), I was hugely impressed with the first episode.
The cast were great, although different to the games in subtle ways. I've been watching some interviews with Pedro Pascal and he comes across as a total goofball, very likeable and very nice which makes his turn as Joel even more impressive. Bella nails Ellie as well, great stuff!
Really looking forward to next weeks episode.
It's been almost 10 years since I played the game, I have no recollection of what happens to anyone other than Joel or Ellie.

Loved the first episode. Pedro and Bella seemed to slip into their roles really well, thought they did a great job. Also love Anna Torv as Tess.
I caved in and went and bought the (overly priced) PS5 remake of Part 1 because I haven't played the game for years and the show didn't really blow me away as the game did.

Firstly, I have to pull my head in about the remake - it's remarkable! The quality across the board is a phenomenal step forward from the previous two versions (PS3, & PS4).

As far as the comparison with the show (and as I mentioned the show is undeniably good), the game blows it away across the board. So much of it I had forgotten. At the same point the first episode ended, there were so many amazing omissions from the game that I can't get my head around why they would add, far lesser impact content, and introduce new (virtually unnecessary) content. Again, I did love the 1960's stuff at the beginning of the show that wasn't in the game, but the title sequence in the game gives far better information to the audience than the 60's stuff did - so it's a catch 22.

Sarah buying Joel a new watch in the game has far more emotional impact that her just taking his money and having it fixed. Sarah is far more endearing because of so many little touches. She also comes across as more fragile, even though she still has sass.

When she wakes up alone, to reading the newspaper headlines of the dramatic increase in the infection, to her father (Joel) coming into the house scared out of his mind, to the neighbor incident - then trying to rationalize it to Sarah, then Tommy turning up - it just all flows far more effortlessly with much scarier implications as to what's unfolding.

Them (Tommy, Joel and Sarah) being separated by the cars in the town was stupid in the show - in the game Tommy protects Joel and Sarah while trying to escape the mayhem, until they get separated naturally.

"The" Sarah moment is far more impactful in the game.

The set-up/relationships with Tess and Joel, and Robert and the Fireflies, in the game is a million times better. Ellie and Marleen's relationship is fantastic in the game and completely missing in the show.

So, so, many tiny nuanced details. Too many to mention. The narrative is far more concise, and the relationships, interactions have far more meaning and impact.

I'd honestly forgotten how stunning the game was, and this PS5 version has rekindled my adoration and respect for what a true masterpiece it is.

Hopefully the show introduces more things the game never had that elevate it beyond the game, but only time will tell.

(And losing the spores is such a shame - so many amazing moments with that as well. I get why they did it, but I still think there was a visual way to make it work in the show).
I enjoy the first half much more than the second. I liked the start, the bit set in the 60's, Joel and Sarah, the building tension etc etc.
Once it all goes down, the frantic escape.
Wasn't really impressed with the mouth tendril zombies. They just look like they have cuppa noodles in their mouths.
Overall though, quite liked it.
Until the 20 year time jump to the post apocalyptic stuff.
Felt very Walking Dead and I lost interest.
I want to see more of the initial outbreak. How society broke down. More about the fungus and how it works, how it spreads etc.
But then I've always been more interested in the early parts of zombie movies. The little hints of things going wrong, the initial sightings and attacks. The fall of society. Before the full on outbreak/post apocalyptic stuff. Most zombie movies/shows rush to the bit.
Anyway, started out good, was bored by the end.
Apparently the whole crux of the story, the heart of it, is Joel and Ellie.
Trouble is, I didn't dislike Ellie or anything, or just don't find her interesting or care about her at all.
I'd have to get invested in the series and watch several more episodes.
That feels to me like it'd be a slog given how bored I was watching the 20 year later stuff.
I caved in and went and bought the (overly priced) PS5 remake of Part 1 because I haven't played the game for years and the show didn't really blow me away as the game did.

Firstly, I have to pull my head in about the remake - it's remarkable! The quality across the board is a phenomenal step forward from the previous two versions (PS3, & PS4).

As far as the comparison with the show (and as I mentioned the show is undeniably good), the game blows it away across the board. So much of it I had forgotten. At the same point the first episode ended, there were so many amazing omissions from the game that I can't get my head around why they would add, far lesser impact content, and introduce new (virtually unnecessary) content. Again, I did love the 1960's stuff at the beginning of the show that wasn't in the game, but the title sequence in the game gives far better information to the audience than the 60's stuff did - so it's a catch 22.

Sarah buying Joel a new watch in the game has far more emotional impact that her just taking his money and having it fixed. Sarah is far more endearing because of so many little touches. She also comes across as more fragile, even though she still has sass.

When she wakes up alone, to reading the newspaper headlines of the dramatic increase in the infection, to her father (Joel) coming into the house scared out of his mind, to the neighbor incident - then trying to rationalize it to Sarah, then Tommy turning up - it just all flows far more effortlessly with much scarier implications as to what's unfolding.

Them (Tommy, Joel and Sarah) being separated by the cars in the town was stupid in the show - in the game Tommy protects Joel and Sarah while trying to escape the mayhem, until they get separated naturally.

"The" Sarah moment is far more impactful in the game.

The set-up/relationships with Tess and Joel, and Robert and the Fireflies, in the game is a million times better. Ellie and Marleen's relationship is fantastic in the game and completely missing in the show.

So, so, many tiny nuanced details. Too many to mention. The narrative is far more concise, and the relationships, interactions have far more meaning and impact.

I'd honestly forgotten how stunning the game was, and this PS5 version has rekindled my adoration and respect for what a true masterpiece it is.

Hopefully the show introduces more things the game never had that elevate it beyond the game, but only time will tell.

(And losing the spores is such a shame - so many amazing moments with that as well. I get why they did it, but I still think there was a visual way to make it work in the show).
Agreed, while the show is a very nice adaptation I still find the remake to be a superior expirience in both structure, narrative, world building and character relationships, that's not say those are poorly done in the show, they're not and in some cases some things are done better but it's just really hard to improve over perfection especially when some changes like Sarah just having Joel's watch fixed instead of buying it for him removes the impact and meaning behind that iconic memento and then important scenes like the reveal of Ellie's immunity are weirdly rushed.
I enjoy the first half much more than the second. I liked the start, the bit set in the 60's, Joel and Sarah, the building tension etc etc.
Once it all goes down, the frantic escape.
Wasn't really impressed with the mouth tendril zombies. They just look like they have cuppa noodles in their mouths.
Overall though, quite liked it.
Until the 20 year time jump to the post apocalyptic stuff.
Felt very Walking Dead and I lost interest.
I want to see more of the initial outbreak. How society broke down. More about the fungus and how it works, how it spreads etc.
But then I've always been more interested in the early parts of zombie movies. The little hints of things going wrong, the initial sightings and attacks. The fall of society. Before the full on outbreak/post apocalyptic stuff. Most zombie movies/shows rush to the bit.
Anyway, started out good, was bored by the end.
Apparently the whole crux of the story, the heart of it, is Joel and Ellie.
Trouble is, I didn't dislike Ellie or anything, or just don't find her interesting or care about her at all.
I'd have to get invested in the series and watch several more episodes.
That feels to me like it'd be a slog given how bored I was watching the 20 year later stuff.
You would probably enjoy the game better, the first stage zombies in the game are closer to what you would see in 28 Days Later and the mouth tendrils aren't a thing, it's made up for the show to compensate for the lack of spores but I just find them silly as well, I believe in the next episode we will see the infamous clickers who are far more terryifing and have an unsettling and iconic design, should make for a more entertaining watch.

The game is also more fast paced in the beginning and I generally found it to be very engaging even in the more quiet moments, I believe the show will replace or change most of the intense moments in order to focus more on the drama which hopefully pays off but having the infected in only 4 episodes when they're almost everywhere in the game definitely leads me to believe this probably won't be a show you'll enjoy.

Joel and Ellie and their bond is what made the game what it is, not the outbreak, zombies or the story itself which is quite simple, it will fall on Bella Ramsey and Pedro Pascal to sell their characters, I think Pascal has worked for the majority of people but I still see a lot of viewers incuding myself who are yet to be won over by Bella as Ellie.
Agreed, while the show is a very nice adaptation I still find the remake to be a superior expirience in both structure, narrative, world building and character relationships, that's not say those are poorly done in the show, they're not and in some cases some things are done better but it's just really hard to improve over perfection especially when some changes like Sarah just having Joel's watch fixed instead of buying it for him removes the impact and meaning behind that iconic memento and then important scenes like the reveal of Ellie's immunity are weirdly rushed.

You would probably enjoy the game better, the first stage zombies in the game are closer to what you would see in 28 Days Later and the mouth tendrils aren't a thing, it's made up for the show to compensate for the lack of spores but I just find them silly as well, I believe in the next episode we will see the infamous clickers who are far more terryifing and have an unsettling and iconic design, should make for a more entertaining watch.

The game is also more fast paced in the beginning and I generally found it to be very engaging even in the more quiet moments, I believe the show will replace or change most of the intense moments in order to focus more on the drama which hopefully pays off but having the infected in only 4 episodes when they're almost everywhere in the game definitely leads me to believe this probably won't be a show you'll enjoy.

Joel and Ellie and their bond is what made the game what it is, not the outbreak, zombies or the story itself which is quite simple, it will fall on Bella Ramsey and Pedro Pascal to sell their characters, I think Pascal has worked for the majority of people but I still see a lot of viewers incuding myself who are yet to be won over by Bella as Ellie.
I agree with much of this.
I liked Pedro as Joel. I haven't played the game so I have nothing to compare it to, but I did like him.
Yeah Ellie is fine I suppose but if the whole point of the story is their relationship, that's a tough sell for me right now.
A lot of people who played the game have preexisting attachment to Ellie and Joel. They love them and their relationship. They know where it's going etc.
I can only judge the story, the characters, the show so far, off the first episode.
The first episode has to engage me enough to want to watch the second one, and honestly I'm sure it's quite done that.
Totally agree about the zombie things. They were rubbish.
EDIT: I think I'll watch the second episode, give it another chance to get me invested. I found the first episode to be a real mixed bag so I'm hoping it gets better and stops feeling like TWD. If someone showed me just the bit set in 2023, I'd think it was a new TWD spin off series.
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