HBO: The Last of Us (April 13, 2025)

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I totally agree on most of your points too. Troy Baker is a legend, and I think it was a good decision to base the acting on his perfomance. Yet I still think the show is wanting to portray things a little different. It’s true that Pascal doesn’t seem as damaged as the character did in the game. But I still think we are going to see more of that on the show as a part of the character’s development, instead of a point of departure. Also because in the series you are not playing Joel, meaning he’s not as much of a protagonist for the viewer as he is in the game (this is just game vs show thing… game’s really just put you inside one character).

About the watch thing… I still think what they tried there was to add something else to the character and maybe both options are just as right. Like… I don’t really care, both ways of portraying Sarah were really good and smart imo. BTW, the actress, awesome job there. She had 15 minutes to make us love her as our own daughter and I think she excelled at it.

About the drama on Sarah, I just mean that I think we’ll see more of that edgy moments of how it affected Joel, as it happened when he beat the hell out of the… guy who’s name I don’t remember lol . BTW, gotta say that was the actual worse moment of the show imo, showing the scene as a flashback of what had happened 45 minutes back for us as spectators seemed awefully redundant and was really sloppy edit If you ask me. Seemed so 90s. It was way too obvious. Bella’s face on that moment though… Creepy and awesome.

I’m excited about the show. It does recreate the world we saw pretty in the game extremely well, and we’ll only get the full picture onhow well they did to portray Joel’s and Ellie’s story later on. I’m way more optimistic than I was 2 weeks ago.
Agreed on all your points too, the flashback at the ending was too on the nose, in fact I think that's perhaps my biggest issue with the show so far everything is too on the nose and expository, the very first scene is blatant exposition, the constant comments about flower based foods and the flashback at the end, it feels like they are spoon feeding the audience I also didn't like Ellie's kind of cringe MCU humor in some scenes btu I'm excited to keep watching as well.
There has only been one episode aired. Must be a critic lol.

Finished the first game. Probably the best game I’ve ever played. I’m not a serious gamer and I’m sure there are tons of better games out there. But it covers all my favorite aspects of modern vg, first person shooter, crafting, sneaking around, riding a horse lol, with an unbelievably tense and dark storyline and those two characters are really great. Hopefully the show won’t digress too much and will go to those dark places.
Now that’s a ton of times! I’m waiting for PC release to replay it, can’t wait. Here’s to hoping Sony brings another ace to the gaming community. So far they’ve been almost flawless with their releases.
The remake is such a treat, made me fall in love with the game all over again out of curiosity I tried to play the 2014 version yesterday and I just can't go back to it lol I get that people didn't like the price but ******* it's exceptionally well made I think PC gamers will be very pleased and I look forward to see what crazy mods people put out for the game.
Doesn't work for me.


it was like they just used the game as a story board and pretty much a 1:1 shots…

anything else and the gamer world would have exploded….
Another great episode. I like how they're really leaning into the horror/suspense aspects of the story so far.
Loved the clicker action, Pedro is still doing great as Joel, Anna Torv really shined as Tess and the vistas and sets were on point sadly Bella still isn't doing it for me, for example the adapated hotel scene of her joking around with the bell felt off and not natural and I still don't like the tendrils but props to them for sneaking in that nod to them.

The ending was... odd. I didn't like it. 😂
Just read this in an interview with the show runners regarding spores.

"I don't necessarily think we've eliminated spores from the universe of our show, we just haven't gotten there yet. It's possible that they may come back. We may have a plan, is my point."
The link to the interview has spoilers so I gotta hide it.
The ending was... odd. I didn't like it. 😂

Very odd indeed and kinda unnecessary?
at first I thought it was kinda cool that they were ignoring her knowing shes already infected, but then they made it clear they just didn't notice her?

Wtf is with the weird zombie kiss thing? I'm guessing it was just for a gross/shock value type, but it didn't really make any sense.

Why would they be inclined to do that for one and second, why would they do that to someone already infected? If they didn't know somehow that she was infected, why wouldn't they just bite her? :lol **** makes no sense
Just read this in an interview with the show runners regarding spores.

"I don't necessarily think we've eliminated spores from the universe of our show, we just haven't gotten there yet. It's possible that they may come back. We may have a plan, is my point."
The link to the interview has spoilers so I gotta hide it.
For the life of me I can't understand why everyone took this narrative that the fungus in the show is more realistic than what's in the games, infected coming up to you for a smooch and slipping in some tongue so they can transfer fungus tendrils/tentacles to infect you just seems incredibly dumb and hard to buy.
Very odd indeed and kinda unnecessary?
at first I thought it was kinda cool that they were ignoring her knowing shes already infected, but then they made it clear they just didn't notice her?

Wtf is with the weird zombie kiss thing? I'm guessing it was just for a gross/shock value type, but it didn't really make any sense.

Why would they be inclined to do that for one and second, why would they do that to someone already infected? If they didn't know somehow that she was infected, why wouldn't they just bite her? :lol **** makes no sense
Agreed, it doesn't line up with their own logic either if Tess is already infected and part of the hive mind then the infected shouldn't even bother with her, the kiss was incredibly weird and completely ruined the moment for me, in the games Tess dies in a firefight with Fedra to buy Joel and Ellie some time to escape and I was fine with her dying to infected instead in a blaze of glory until that kiss happened, just....why? :ROFLMAO:
Watching the second episode now.

I really like the recreation of the world. So far it's a lot better than I thought it might be. It could've been like The Walking Dead, with the characters wandering around a forest for much of the time.

Bella's as snippy and sarcastic as Ellie can be in the game, but also reverts to childlike behavior at times, as in the game. A kid forced to grow up faster than they should, but still a kid at heart.

The relationship with Joel is building.

Essentially the series is unnecessary, and can't replace the game for those that have experienced it. I look on it as a bonus. You can take it or leave it, view the similarities and differences, but I appreciate the chance to see the world from another angle.

I'm a fan of post-apocalyptic settings, especially when characters have to journey through it. Hence why I liked the early episodes of The Walking Dead so much more than the static seasons set in one place.

"These things don't have to get violent unless you're fighting them from spreading [the infection] further," Druckmann, who also created the Last of Us game, explains to EW. "That is realized in this beautiful, yet horrific way with Anna."

Yeah I can't say I was feeling Ep. 2. Deviated a little too far from the game for my taste. But whatever, I wasn't expecting it to come close to the game anyhow.
It's interesting though(and a little scary), when digital characters in a videogame can offer a better performance than real life actors.
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Hence why I liked the early episodes of The Walking Dead so much more than the static seasons set in one place.

I had a similar realisation recently. I haven't seen ep2 yet, so I'm only referring to ep1 here.
I enjoyed the 1st episode up until the time jump. After that, it so strongly reminded me of TWD I instantly lost interest.
I've since realised, that it specifically reminded me of later seasons of TWD where its separate groups of survivors in walled off communities and all the human dramas. Zombies mostly forgotten. I hated those later seasons and the post time jump TLOU made me think of that.
My hope is, once they leave the settlement and head out into the world, if it is still going to feel like TWD, it'll hopefully feel like the very early TWD.
Small group of people desperately trying to survive. The zombie creatures actually being a real threat. Something actually scary.
Loved the new opening stuff in Jakarta - but the rest just isn't landing for me. Feels forced, and again, too many great little character omissions, for stuff that feels like filler. The game flows efortlessly and organically, and everything is tied naturally together within their little ecosystem.

Coming off the back of finishing the remake (TLOU Pt 1), this is feeling like so many missed opportunities for me so far :(

And the CGI is looked really cheap in this ep.
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