HBO: The Last of Us (April 13, 2025)

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I think the group would have tired of Kathleen within a year had they lived and they turn more into what we see in the game. In the game it seemed like several years at least has passed in Pittsburgh before Joel and Ellie encounter the hunters and since Fedra were overthrown. In the series Fedra getting disposed of had just happened / in progress. I wonder why they changed it to Kansas City though?
The irony of panning video games mo-capped with live actors, and written like a cinematic drama while applauding Avatar.

No one went looking for quality story telling when they played TLOU but when we got it anyway most of us were quite taken with it, hence the popularity/love. Calling it stupid and lumping it in with other mindless shoot'em up games without playing it is rather close-minded and doesn't do it justice. It's like my saying AWOW is a $2 Billion hot pile of garbage without ever seeing it. Except in the case of AWOW I'm quite confident that assessment is correct. :lol
How can you take that crap seriously I mean how can you get so involved in the story when you have to keep reloadIng your weapon lol
I will say playing these games it’s probably the first time I’ve ever not skipped the cinematics. The drama is so compelling you really do get caught up in it. I have no idea how much of the second game I gave to go, its nowhere near as good as the first game, it’s interesting, but it’s becoming repetitive and dragging out drama that could be done in half the time and the constant flashbacks and jumping around in time is starting to annoy me.

I had heard last year on various podcasts that this show was amazing and unfortunately I stupidly decided to watch it as each episode came out. Normally with something like this I will wait a year or so away from the hype. There are good aspects to it, I like Pascal and Ramsey, but the main problems for me is there are stupid characters like Kathleen who make no sense and then they kill them off before there is any opportunity for the character to develop and the good supporting characters like Bill and Sam well they go and kill them off as well! It just feels lazy. I get it that the show is about Joel and Ellie and everything that happens is supporting their journey but we are five episodes in and I’m pretty bored at this point. There are too many stupid moments and not enough action. This is no Andor!! And yes the bloater was both a highlight and incredibly disappointing at the same time.
How can you take that crap seriously I mean how can you get so involved in the story when you have to keep reloadIng your weapon lol
It's called multi-tasking lol....

I find it funny that you couldn't invest in the story within TLOU video game and yet you like AWOW, which probably shares more characteristics of a traditional video game than does TLOU. At least the TLOU creators didn't decide to just RELOAD a major character (the principal antagonist!) that died in the original game in order to have them appear in Part 2. I don't recall there being sharks on Pandora, but nevertheless JC managed to jump a few in the process of making AWOW. And the lemmings gleefully flocked to theaters. :lol
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Don’t get me wrong i’ve been playing video games ever since my childhood days with the Atari 2600, my parents were not gamers though because there were none in their time lol

I’ve owned every single console.

But I have never went searching for quality story telling in a video game that’s just ridiculous and embarrassing I play to blow **** up no matter the game I just want to blow **** up, that simple.

My parents bought me Atari 2600 Adventure on release day god I loved that game lol

Hold on let me go searching for deep philosophy in Call of Duty i’ll be right back!

And yet you love a dumb ass video game... Avatar: The Vapid, Surface-level, Inane, Pretty Lights, Way of Water. That's as much a video game as any video game just with higher resolution. But I guess you said you just love to blow **** up, so it makes perfect sense.

This ignorant "judgement" of a video somehow being a lessor form of storytelling entertainment might have been true in the Atari 2600 days (and I've been there since then), but if you think that's the case these days, you're completely talking about things you have zero understanding or comprehension of. How about giving us you staunch opinion on brain surgery while you're at it?

And guess what? The Last of Us was the one that changed everything.

Since then, I've experienced FAR better storytelling in games than 99% of movies or shows. That's 10 years where games have surpassed movies on virtually EVERY level. Because, unlike Hollyweird, they haven't been jumping on the woke bandwagon.

I could do a list of 50 without much effort, but these three alone destroy 99% of any storytelling that happened in the past decade.

The Last of Us
Ghost of Tsushima
God of War (2018)

I get it that it irritates you that people are comparing it to the game... But to make the kind of comments you're making without any experience on the matter is just bizarre and makes you look like a fool.
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Put a gun to my head make me choose between:

SW77, ESB, Raiders, LOTR, Road Warrior, CTB, Aliens, Predator 1, Die Hard, Robocop, Exorcist, The Thing, Airplane, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Wizard of Oz, Wrath of Khan, Forbidden Planet, MCU Phase 1-3, Lawrence of Arabia, The Batman, TDK, Black Orpheus, Caddyshack, The Mandalorian, Andor, Good Bad and the Ugly etc etc etc…


The narrative powerhouses that are The Last of Us, Zelda, Final Fantasy and MGS Video Games

Boy that’s a hard choice….

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You only named 1 game with a good story and then 12 movies you like :lol
And yet you love a dumb ass video game... Avatar: The Vapid, Surface-level, Inane, Pretty Lights, Way of Water. That's as much a video game as any video game just with higher resolution. But I guess you said you just love to blow **** up, so it makes perfect sense.

This ignorant "judgement" of a video somehow being a lessor form of storytelling entertainment might have been true in the Atari 2600 days (and I've been there since then), but if you think that's the case these days, you're completely talking about things you have zero understanding or comprehension of. How about giving us you staunch opinion on brain surgery while you're at it?

And guess what? The Last of Us was the one that changed everything.

Since then, I've experienced FAR better storytelling in games than 99% of movies or shows. That's 10 years where games have surpassed movies on virtually EVERY level. Because, unlike Hollyweird, they haven't been jumping on the woke bandwagon.

I could do a list of 50 without much effort, but these three alone destroy 99% of any storytelling that happened in the past decade.

The Last of Us
Ghost of Tsushima
God of War (2018)

I get it that it irritates you that people are comparing it to the game... But to make they kind of comments your making without any experience of the matter, is just bizarre and makes you look like a fool.
I’m glad to see that THREE video games since the Atari 2600 days has better story telling than Magic Mike 3 games have indeed come very far bravo lol
I’m glad to see that THREE video games since the Atari 2600 days has better story telling than Magic Mike 3 games have indeed come very far bravo lol
And I'm guessing your eyes must be painted on as well, as I clearly stated I could easily do 50...

Thinking about it... your precious Avatar is made the EXACTLY THE SAME WAY as any video game these days.

So do us a favor and get off your bandwagon, because with each comment, all you're doing is making yourself look more and more like an uneducated, petulant ignoramus.
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And I'm guessing you eyes must be painted on as well, as I clearly acted I could easily do 50...

BTW... your precious Avatar is made the EXACTLY THE SAME WAY as any video game these days.

So do us a favor and get off your ignorant bandwagon, because with each comment, all you're doing is making yourself look more and more like an uneducated, petulant ignoramus.
You better had played TLOU on hard difficulty for how much you’re defending it sheesh.
You better had played TLOU on hard difficulty for how much you’re defending it sheesh.
You seem like a good person. I've always liked what you've had to say, and like you, I've been here for a hundred years.

But this attacking it without experiencing it, just gets under my skin. It's ironically why I don't do social media, because people endlessly sprout off without any knowledge of what they're talking about.

Anyway, let's agree to disagree.

(And don't worry, I won't be commenting on the series anymore - that last ep did me in).
I think jye just has that old view of video games. I don’t see him in the video game threads to much. Video games haven’t been about blowing stuff up for quite sometime. That’s only call of duty or halo. Fps genre. There are hundreds of list out there that prove video game story telling.

Hell kingdom hearts is the most complicated video game story I’ve played and it’s about final fantasy crossing over with Disney lol

The last of us heightens the story telling by a lot.
I liked the massacre at the end of the new episode. Finally a bit of violence, as tame as it was.

Still don't like how they crammed Henry, Sam, the sewers, and the sniper into an hour.

The city escape and the constant danger of the humvee chasing them, gone replaced by Kathleen.
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I find @jye4ever 's remarks hilarious, but I think he's probably(?) wrong ... I haven't played any contemporary games because I don't have the time to invest in them, but I've heard about their narrative capacity many times from gamers whose opinions I respect. Whether or not I would enjoy that style of narrative is another story -- I don't know.

I'd like to think that if I had experienced the game (which I looked up years ago and know all the spoilers for) I'd be able to experience the show as its own, separate thing but who knows. That sure didn't help for The Rings of Power but it was just next-level poorly written, IMO.
I must confess.

I’m Battlefield series snob especially 3 and 4 you know the two best games ever made lol

Marvel vs Capcom is also my jam.

That Wolverine game had amazing gore!
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The last games I played was stuff like Afterburner, Altered Beast, Doom (the very first one), Street Fighter 2, Road Rash, Mortal Kombat 1 & 2 etc etc.
I have no opinion on whether a videogame can tell a good story or not these days. Apparently games have moved on a lot from Streets of Rage and Golden Axe.
The way people talk about TLOU game in this thread, I've pretty much just assumed it tells a very good story, very well.
Video games serve an important function I don’t deny that.
Mindless fun distraction.
Like 75% of cinema.
So you're saying that Mario 64 didn't have a good story??
It still has me thinking every now and then, had Peach not gotten kidnapped by Bowser, we would've finally seen Mario get a good slice of Peach' Wait a minute... :unsure:

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