HBO: The Last of Us (April 13, 2025)

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I love Pedro, but man he's dialing it in here. There's no dimension to his character. Bella does the best she can with the script and direction, but again, it's all coming off as blah because of how it's being handled.

If comparing apples to apples (because some people here don't like this adaption being compared to the game), then (the first season, so far) of TWD decimate this - and I'm not even a fan of TWD. But as far as story telling, character development, world building - there was so much more happening in TWD by this stage.

Personally, this last ep made it very clear for me - it's not the adaptation I would have liked. It's clear where it's all headed and what type of show it wants to be... not for me.

I'll keep my cartoon (along with other great animations that made me more invested in their characters) any day of the week over this forgettable fodder.
Yeah I'm enjoying the show despite not being familiar with the game, and like how they're trying to make this more than another zombie shoot em up... but so far it's not doing anything that Walking Dead didn't already do 10 years ago. And I frankly found that show a LOT more thrilling and compelling to watch in the early seasons.
I better see some poor bastard get his face turned inside out by a bloater tonight lol
Too bad it ran its course and pretty much sucks now. Violence doesn’t make a good story. All you’ll get is some edgy gore fest like walking dead sometimes tried to be and no substance to the story. The original story was more about hope in a hopeless world. It wasn’t ultra violent anyway. Just dark and bleak. Something’s weren’t even showed but implied to happen.
Thought this kinda surpassed the video game segment of this chapter. Especially the end. I did want them to expand on the underground tunnel like the game. Learning about what happened to the people under there was haunting . Man this is a really good adaptation
Again an enjoyable episode and it's a good adaptation but for me the show doesn't make me feel the same way the game does which is a shame.

Henry and Sam felt really rushed to me and as a result their story didn't hit as hard as I hoped it would, we wasted too much screen time on Kathleen and it all led to nothing, well I did find her death scene to be hilariously satisfying but that's about it, I would've rather had her character and this little revenge subplot cut out so we can focus more on Henry and Sam trying to get by like Joel and Ellie instead of being on the run, also losing the sewers and material with Henry and Joel for Kathleen and her group was not a good tradeoff.

I did really like Sam I was iffy on them making him deaf but it worked, his interactions with Ellie were sweet, in the game they're a bit more awkward since they're the same age which is endearing in it's own way but it's cool seeing Ellie try to take on a big sister role, Henry however wasn't as good of a character like he was in the game he felt wasted and weaker in the show, Kathleen had way more screen time than him. :slap

I really like the final action piece but the bloater was a letdown for me, it showed up for 10 seconds and killed Perry in the background and that was it, I was looking forward to seeing it really go to town on all the redshirts but it's almost like he disappeared for the rest of the scene, but everything else was very enjoyable it reminded me of World War Z when all the infected and clickers came out of the ground and the clicker child was a neat addition.

Surprisingly enough and much to my shock I'm actually warming up to Bella I think she's done a great job these last two episodes but Pedro has lost me, it's like the balance between them keeps shifting each episode I'm starting to think I'll reach the end of the season being more of a fan of Bella's performance than Pedro's.

My biggest complaint this episode has to be the lack of gore and violence, the bloater was wasted and all the kills kind of happen off screen or it cuts away which is just distracting, when they cut away from Joel shooting the old sniper to the characters outside and then back to him it was just weird and completely took me out of it.

To close my thoughts I definitely think I would probably be enjoying the show more if I didn't already expirience the absolute perfection that is the game and it's a shame tons of cool stuff is getting cut for lesser material, I'm sure most of you hate my drawn out comments criticizing this massive hit and probably think video games are silly but I really think people who will never play or watch the game have missed out on a lot of amazing stuff which is a shame.
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Well, that made up for last week's lackluster episode. I still feel like they're rushing things a bit though.
Definitely, the best episode so far. I'm still not sure Kathleen was worth the deviation, but I guess she was fine as a face to the enemy force.

Of all the episodes so far I think this one and the opening came closest to giving you that punch in your gut that the game gives you.
I'd pretty much given up on this show after last week, as it's not the adaption I wanted, but I wanted to see if Druckmann's ******** about Kathleen would pay off.

So, before this weeks ep, I would have said, "it's not a bad show, just different to what I would have liked to see."

But after this ep; it's just dumb, stupid, and totally unbelievable. It's a complete fantasy land that doesn't have an iota on the world building of the game (that was totally believable and frightening).

Human nature, history, (and a sliver of logic), is all it takes to show how laughable and ridiculous this world is.

In such a resource limited, dog-eat-dog, survival of the fittest existence, would these people be following Kathleen? Not a chance.

The harsh reality is, (and how they portrayed it in the game), is virtually every woman who lived in a realistic post-apocalyptic world (outside a law-enforced QZ zone) would be fodder; raped, used, and abused - unless they could fight their way to the top.

Our humanity goes out the window in these sorts of times - hell, look at the idiots that were attacking each other in the grocery stores around the world over toilet paper when the pandemic hit.

They're too worried about "storytelling 2023" than being true to their own lore - which was purposefully written to provide the perfect emotional responses from the viewers - hence why it's so revered.

Anyway, that's it for me.
Some things were ok, most were just dumb.
If a horde of crazy zombies ever comes running after me in post apocalyptic future, I'd better have a damn good reason to be standing around like an idiot the way they do in this show. I can't count how many times I felt like shouting "MOVE, YOU F****** IDIOTS!" lol
It's also strange how they wouldn't show Joel shooting the sniper, but a child getting his head blown off was ok.
The sniper was dumb, just waiting for Joel with his back turned. Kathleen's "story" was useless and dumb, her "follower's" were also dumb as s***. Henry, Sam and Ellie's actions were also pretty questionable, literally watching vehicles coming right for them 10 miles away and just waiting for them get as close as possible before finally running away.
The bloater scene was an absolute waste of potential as well - not surprising though.
I'm glad I'm not taking this show seriously anymore.
All in all, not a terrible episode, just had more dumb stuff than I imagined a LoU episode could have. Felt more like I was watching Z Nation at times. I mean if you were literally born in a time like that, would you really be that off guard and shocked by everything you saw all the time? For people that have supposedly been living in the apocalypse for over 20 years, they seem to have gotten a whole lot dumber somehow.
Oh well, at least Joel finally has the hunting rifle. Makes him look more complete now. lol
I'm still liking it a lot. It's not the game, and never could be, but it's the spirit of the game.

The show augments it, adds some extra scenes, but also changes things. The changes make me want to rationalise it as being told by a different narrator from a different perspective, who heard the tale of Joel and Ellie from various, and not always trustworthy, sources.

Either that or the TLOU series takes place in Marvel/DC comic book style on a parallel Earth.

When it's finished I want to binge watch it. I was considering editing out the Bill and Frank interlude interruption because it breaks the natural flow of Joel and Ellie's developing relationship. But why bother? That's what the fast forward button's for. :lol