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This is Mallory O'Brien. She's a former CrossFit competitive athlete. She was not on HBO's short list, but I was told she was given a blink if you miss it cursory look just for due diligence by the casting early on. To hold that physique, O'Brien needed to be on PEDs and train 4-5 hours a day. It's not easy for women to just immediately pack on muscle very quickly. Dever's body type is not one where one could project that she could put on mass easily.
Women in TV/film do not want to be on PEDs. It's nominally accepted that most of the men are juiced up. But that gives you cost certainty. A production can bank on someone like Jake Gyllenhaal already being able to lead a film, be used to heavy training schedules, deliver solid performances and be already adapted to the kind of preparation needed for a very physical role, including juicing. Once you are start doing PEDs, some people react poorly. Unable to sleep, mood disturbances, fits of rage, impulsive behavior, etc, etc. It would also cost Dever roles to pack on mass. And to what end? She's smaller already. That's like taking a guy who is 5'6 and breaking his legs to make him taller to be about 5'8.
The potential PR disaster zone possible is quite high. If you could even get Dever to pack on a ton of muscle in a short period of time, it's inviting widespread criticism of the shortage of roles for women in TV/film to the point where they feel doing extreme measures is necessary ( i.e. rapidly changing their bodies, using PEDs, there is no way anyone could hide it) There would also be the quiet backlash that the production was force feeding "woke", i.e. creating a female character that is basically a proxy for a male character. No one wants to go near that anymore. Neil Druckmann and Halley Gross just made a total mess out of this entire situation. How does someone like Abby hold that much muscle in when the world building enforces scarcity and resource desperation? Druckmann is also from Israel, so there's another entirely different target on his back in terms of this production. Druckmann has made his upbringing and personal experiences between Israel/Palestine public in interviews before.
When I talk sometimes about "taking the easy wins in front of you", the reality is Druckmann did none of that. He found a way to self inflict more problems onto his plate to make his game and make his TV show and tell his story. But it's his story. Writers have to honor that part with each other. If this is his story, TLOU 2, then that's that. The larger problem is Druckmann is not just a writer anymore, he's also an executive and producer. The writer in you has to bend but not break when you wear other hats.
This is a story as old as time. Someone is a great street cop but struggles to run a police department in a big city 15 years later ( i.e. what makes someone good at one job, might not translate to a job that becomes management/political in nature) Someone who is a great teacher might make a lousy principal or administrator. Someone who is a great doctor or a great engineer might wreck everything if they advanced to run a hospital or a major engineering firm. Again, this is Druckmann's story, but Druckmann the writer, and likely Druckmann the activist, did zero favors for Druckmann the producer and executive.
Dever is a phenomenal young actress, IMHO, I say who cares what package she comes in if she finds a way to deliver.