I can't wait to see fans of the tv series **** bricks after they've seen the Joel & Abby golfing scene.
Going to be Part 2 all over again. lol
Going to be Part 2 all over again. lol
He'll last longer, because of the popularity of Pedro Pascal and the reaction to the original.I can’t wait either. I hope they stick to it and don’t change it
They’re not gonna do that lolRegarding the casting of Kaitlin Dever as Abby, I heard on a YT video yesterday that Naughty Dog may de-bulk the game model to bring her more in line with how Kaitlin may look. Take with a massive pinch of salt though, I have doubts as to whether that will happen. It was only the game model of Abby that was ever built that way anyway, if you see videos and pics of Jocelyn Mettler (Her head model in the game.), even she is normally built.
Bella Ramsey is older than Ellie in pt 2. Some people just look young for their age.lol she looks the same age as she did in the the first season.
… yes I know. Still she’s supposed to atleast look olderBella Ramsey is older than Ellie in pt 2. Some people just look young for their age.
Ive only rewatched the bill and frank episode, the henry and sam episode and the winter episode since the show came out. Those episodes are crazy good. Otherwise I think the game did everything so much better and it’s not really worth rewatching. I think the ending was especially poor. The whole firefly hospital part only lasting 5-10 minutes…. Making a PG friendly montage of Joel killing all the fireflies with a sad song in the background. So bad. That scene shouldve shown Joels ruthlessness, his dark side. By cutting away from all the action and putting a sad song behind it it completely ruined the inner conflict the watcher is supposed to feel. Its so clear that the shows creators are biased towards what Joel did was the right thing to do, not leaving any room for the viewer to question Joels actions. We shouldve gotten raw footage of Joel mowing them down, lots of blood everywhere to show just how psycho Joel went. The game DOES provoke you to think about whether Joels actions were worth it, considering Ellie made it clear she was depressed and was willing to die for the cause and Joel just pulled her away. That and of course the fact that her operation couldve made a cure for mankind. But this was completely lost in the show in my opinion.
And gosh the left behind episode felt like a total boring filler. The game did it so much better. Them being attacked by one zombie and it being foreshadowed so far in advance made it incredibly anti climactic.
That was my rant for the day lol.