HBO's Game of Thrones

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I got decapitation as well :lol.

In any case, I wonder if Ramsay Snow will eventually turn into a major "bidder" for the Iron Throne. The reason I mention that, is because he's most sinister character in the series so far, that none of use can relate to - and they can't have all of the likeable characters hogging all of the fun :lol.
I don't think Ramsey has higher aspirations like that, personally. He seems happy just having the run of the Dreadfort and being a bit of a layabout.

And I also got decapitation. :(
My mom brought up an interesting theory today while we were watching the special features on the S1 blu-ray about when Robert and Ned overthrew Aerys and such.

I know I've read theories that people think Jon is really Rhaeger and Lyanna's son, but what if he's actually Robert and Lyanna's son?

What if Lyanna was impregnated by Robert before she was kidnapped, she had the baby, and since Ned and Robert had a huge falling out over what Tywin did to Aerys' family when he sacked King's Landing, Ned never told him?

Perhaps Ned feared that somehow Jon being Lyanna's son would interfere with Tywin's plan to have Cersei married to Robert, and because Robert was siding with Tywin over Ned about what was done to Aerys' family, maybe he thought Robert would be less suspecting of Tywin if any harm came to Jon.

I know that Ned is the most honorable man in the Seven Kingdoms and would normally be compelled to tell his best friend, but seeing as how Lyanna was his sister and Jon would have been the last living memory of her...I could see him keeping it a secret.

Not to mention Jon is the only black-haired child of Ned.

There are definitely some parts of the theory that would need more explaining, but I don't think it's that outlandish unless the timing of when she got pregnant, when she was kidnapped and when Robert saw her again didn't add up.

I haven't read the books, just those prequel/flashback videos so I'm not quite sure if there's already information out there that would automatically disprove this.
Have to say it's a pet peeve of mine when people put Walking Dead in the same league as Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, True Detective, etc. If you like the zombie premise, it's decent and there's some enjoyable episodes/imagery (probably my favourite of the whole series was the Governor standing on the lake pier, looking down at the anchored zombie below the surface), but that's it.

Can't wait for season 4 of this series. Still gotta get around to buying the first three on blu.

I agree. The Walking Dead is a good show (most of the time) but IMO not anywhere near the level of the ones you mentioned. With shows like GoT and True Detective (and Breaking Bad when it was on) I can't wait for each week's episode and will watch past episodes to get me by until the next one. I never watch TWD weekly. I usually wait until I have several and binge-watch then delete--never to be seen again.
Walking Dead, some season is just plain boring. The last episode was good though. When is the new season of Game of Throne airing?
I think the TWD writers are too busy patting themselves on the back than actually writing something good, anymore. Same with TTD...What a waste of an hour.

I hope that doesn't ever happen to GoT!
Yes. Please. Let's turn this Game of Thrones thread into a "whine about The Walking Dead" thread. We really need another one.
Yes. Please. Let's turn this Game of Thrones thread into a "whine about The Walking Dead" thread. We really need another one.
