HBO's Game of Thrones

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I never truly understood how literal that was. After all, Khaleesi proclaims her brother wasn't a "dragon" after his death since he burned. every Targyrien a "dragon"? Or does that take a special kind of connection or ascension?

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Snow coming back seemed too easy and forced. Considering how easy it was they could bring back every dead character on the show by that theory.

well it's better to do it now, then do it at the end of the season. Too much time would have passed. As far as bringing ppl back from the dead, it's only been done by two people and I would assume it couldn't be done past a certain point or if say, someone was decapitated.
Was it absolutely necessary.......for Melisandre to be clothed during that ritual. Missed opportunity.

In seriousness, enjoyed it. Although I think this show is just good by default. I'm not sure I consider there to be weak episodes really.
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Was it absolutely necessary.......for Melisandre to be clothed during that ritual. Missed opportunity.

In seriousness, enjoyed it. Although I think this show is just good by default. I'm not sure I consider there to be weak episodes really.

It's crazy how well they have maintained the quality of this show, it puts anything else on TV to shame.

P.S. I was just watching tv and saw Torramon Giantsbane (the bearded wildling) or whatever his name is, in a commercial for the Wyndham motel/hotel chain.
The Three-Eyed Raven is actually one thing I don't like in the series, at least not the way they have chosen to depict the character. In the book, the TER was literally part of the tree, with roots actually growing through his body, not just some guy standing around a bunch of roots. The TV version actually looks kind of lame compared to the picture GRRM painted in the books.
"Jamie, Cersei, Joffrey, Mycella, and Tommen all have (had, in the case of Joffrey and Mycella) straight, golden hair."

Well, yeah. But they all come from the same small branch :lol
Snow coming back seemed too easy and forced. Considering how easy it was they could bring back every dead character on the show by that theory.

I don't see it. There's a precedent for everything that happened last episode plus I predict we'll see a very different Jon from now on...a part of me doubts that's Jon at all...
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It's Targaryen, not Targaryan.

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Targaryens, even "dragon" Targaryens like Daenerys and Rhaegar, can be burned. They're just very heat-resistant, which is why Dany was able to take extremely hot baths and hold the scalding eggs. The special event where Dany is "reborn" in Drogo's funeral pyre is just that, a special event. It's a one time thing that doesn't normally occur. If someone flamethrowers Dany, she's gonna burn to a crisp. All of this was confirmed by George R. R. Martin.

P.S. I was just watching tv and saw Torramon Giantsbane (the bearded wildling) or whatever his name is, in a commercial for the Wyndham motel/hotel chain.
It's crazy how well they have maintained the quality of this show, it puts anything else on TV to shame.

P.S. I was just watching tv and saw Torramon Giantsbane (the bearded wildling) or whatever his name is, in a commercial for the Wyndham motel/hotel chain.

the CGI on the Dragons in that episode was great

Re-cast for this season.

I didn't even notice

I don't see it. There's a precedent for everything that happened last episode plus I predict we'll see a very different Jon from now on...a part of me doubts that's Jon at all...

If Ghost believes he's still Jon, I believe it.