HBO's Game of Thrones

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Seems to me that the actress playing Cersei would make a great Dany. But then, we wouldn't have a great Cersei. And Cersei's a much more interesting character, anyway. Hell, I would take the one who plays Margaery over Clarke.

Why did Theon 2.0 (the new leader of the water folk) tell everyone to build him new ships when there's no visible trees on those islands!?

Other things float.

I like Emilia Clarke. The whole Dany storyline can be a bitter pill while much more interesting stuff goes on elsewhere but she made it worthwhile for me. But I do agree we don't need another fiery rebirth or Braveheart speech. GTF on with it.

Can't wait for the journey across the narrow sea with the Dothraki!
Serious question: Which actress do you think would be the best Warrior/Queen/Conqueror?


I don't take the show that seriously.

And I don't get paid to be a casting director. :monkey3

Clarke's casting worked in the 1st season, where her character was a young, naive, vulnerable girl being pimped out by her brother.

But by now the role needs someone without the baby-fat-cute face who can project real menace.
Clarke just isn't threatening -- her turn as Sara Connor was laughably unbelievable.
I realize she desperately wants a film franchise (make me 007!*), but a butt-kicking action star isn't in her wheelhouse, regardless of her role on GoT.

*I say go for Jane Bond . . . as long as we get an amputee Inuit male cast as Wonder Woman.

Seems to me that the actress playing Cersei would make a great Dany. But then, we wouldn't have a great Cersei. And Cersei's a much more interesting character, anyway. Hell, I would take the one who plays Margaery over Clarke.

I like Lena, Cersei is one of the best characters on the show but I don't see her as an ancient warrior queen, her last scene in the 300's sequel made me cringe a bit specially compared to the awesome Eva Green in the role of Artemisia, hehehe.
Well, to be fair, 300: RoaE did feature a soft-core Eva Green sex scene, so, it wasn't a total waste of time...
I think Emilia Clarke is fine as Dany, they just need to cut down on her redundant speeches. Her "Dracarys" scene and corresponding speech to the Unsullied in Season 3 was great.
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She is the adversary to beat at this point, if she crosses Westeros with the freed slaves, Unsullied, Second Sons, Dothraki + Dragons everybody else is screwed. Last season we saw her feed an innocent man to a Dragon, perhaps she will follow on her father's footsteps?

Madness + Dragons what a combination.
She is the adversary to beat at this point, if she crosses Westeros with the freed slaves, Unsullied, Second Sons, Dothraki + Dragons everybody else is screwed. Last season we saw her feed an innocent man to a Dragon, perhaps she will follow her father footsteps.

Madness + Dragons what a combination.

Except the White Walkers.


(Heck I want to see the spiders the White Walkers are supposed to ride, period)
Want to see that too! Then again it would mean that everyone would have to join forces and that's too simple for GOT I guess. I could be wrong but if I remember correctly the spiders were only as big as dogs no? See comments here and there about them being bigger, hope that's the case.

I have a feeling that the White Walkers will be defeated soon and become a weapon like the children intended.
The White Walkers will have their spiders created a web through a copse of trees. They will then funnel one (or two) of the dragons towards the web. Dragon gets stuck, White Walkers and wights pounce...Dany has one less dragon.
The White Walkers will have their spiders created a web through a copse of trees. They will then funnel one (or two) of the dragons towards the web. Dragon gets stuck, White Walkers and wights pounce...Dany has one less dragon.

Cool! Sounds good to me, a dragon must die, it is known. It's time to see wights of other species that aren't human or horse like direwolves, giants, mammoths or even dragons! :monkey4
Spoilers here:

Kind of a mixed bag tonight, quality-wise. Some of the stuff with Jon and Jaimie is starting to feel a bit stale and sitcom-ish to me, in terms of character behaviors. I thought the thing with the 10 year old was a bit too cutesy, but she was good. Sorry McShane won't be getting more screen time. He's such a great actor. But on the other hand, the Hound seems meant for bigger and more important things. So, good on him. Blackfish is pretty bad-ass. And Jon REALLY needs those men. So, I don't think that things will end so badly for them. Arya was pretty brutally stabbed. My first reaction was to think that this was it for her, but then I realized that would be far too jarring, with a character they invested so much into.
Yeah, it was obvious to me when that woman was walking behind her. Another one of the more predictable moments from tonight. Jaimie getting humbled by the Blackfish was another one.
Anyone else getting real sick of these episodes being sponsered by the light of the seven a.k.a your church of lame @$$ old smelly shoeless saints of stinky feet.:lol

I miss the good old eps boobs every other killing scene lol. :horror:lol
I remember reading some report that Ian McShane straight up said he was bringing the Hound back and he got in trouble for spoiling it. So I thought this intro was kind of interesting in how they didn't waste any time in getting right to it. Have they ever started a show without the credit sequence first? I honestly thought I was watching an episode of LOST when it started.

Also, I didn't realize the Brotherhood Without Banners were giant *******s. I know the first scene with them was years ago, but from what I remember they were somewhat honorable dudes, carrying out justice and whatnot.