HBO's Game of Thrones

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Yay! I knew Benjen Stark (Coldhands) would be back! Its about time!

Gonna have to step through Brans Vision, a lot to take in. Cool seeing The Mad King!

Loved the Mad King shot!

Great episode but I don't need to see Dany confirm allegiance again. Her big moments get less effective every time. Cool dragon, tho.
Her big moments are getting repetitive without any significant results.

I was expecting a full blown war with Jamie vs the high priest but no dice. I just hope next episode we'll get to see melisandre nekid again or Sansa's story line.
The last time we saw Drogon, he abandoned Dany and let her get captured by the Dothraki. Now they're buddy buddy again?

Okay, sure. :cuckoo:
He was injured and was recuperating. She was the moron that left his side to go exploring and got captured. She got another army out of it, so I guess it wasn't such a bad thing in the end.

But I just feel Danny is being too greedy. She's in control of like half the globe at this point. Isn't that enough? She wants to be Queen on the entire planet? That greed is going to be her downfall.
I like Dany but I don't find her compelling enough to care if she gets the throne or not. I wouldn't mind if she got it, and am actually expecting it far more than anyone else getting it, but I don't really care that much about her story/character.

It's all about the Stark kids for me - Jon, Sansa, Arya and finally Bran is getting more interesting. I like their stories the most and the characters involved with them.

I still like Tyrion but he's caught up with Dany at the moment :lol
well, the White Walkers are the most compelling to me, and since Bran and Jon are involved heavily in their story line, I like them the most. I hope we get to see the WW's impact everyone though, not just the Starks.
Her big moments are getting repetitive without any significant results.

Although I agree, I think this Dany moment was less of an awe-inspiring triumph and more of a fear-inspiring promise. I'm beginning to think that Dany is going to ultimately become the main villain before all of this is over. I mean, now she's talking about slaughtering kingdoms. Those are not so much the words of a conqueror as they are of a tyrant-in-the-making. It's a bit more obvious in the books as Dany is responsible for some very morally questionable acts. But I think her speech in this current episode is placing her on that same trajectory. In other words, she sort of herself IS the Song of Ice and Fire, as her soul grows colder and colder from the inferno of her will. Just a theory at this point, but I think SHE may prove the largest threat to Westeros in the wars to come...
Yeah I thought her choice of words this time was a bit more aggressive and more egocentric than she's been before. Deliberate?

And does it mean she is in fact becoming more aggressive and egocentric or is it the case she just knows what she needs to say to inspire the Dothraki?
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Pretty good episode all around. I'm really happy Sam nutted up and took that family sword, as he knows that Jon is going to need all the Valyrian steel they can muster. Arya is making the choices we'd hoped she'd make. I'm also glad Jaime is leaving King's Landing to join the brewing storm in the North. Whether or not he makes good on anything will remain to be seen, but at least there's an opportunity for him to reunite with Brienne and maybe form a tenuous alliance with the Tullys. Of course, the opposite might occur, but so long as Walder Frey's head ends up on a pike, I'll be happy.

Not sure if Margaery has truly snapped at this point or if she's playing everyone (hopefully the latter). Either way, I hope Cersai pulls the trigger soon on instigating some major blood shed. King's Landing is starting to become a real yawn.
Yeah I thought her choice of words this time was a bit more aggressive and more egocentric than she's been before. Deliberate?

And does it mean she is in fact becoming more aggressive and egocentric or is it the case she just knows what she needs to say to inspire the Dothraki?

Good point. She's effectively taken on a horde of barbarians, so she does need to speak their language, so to speak ;)
Although I agree, I think this Dany moment was less of an awe-inspiring triumph and more of a fear-inspiring promise. I'm beginning to think that Dany is going to ultimately become the main villain before all of this is over. I mean, now she's talking about slaughtering kingdoms. Those are not so much the words of a conqueror as they are of a tyrant-in-the-making. It's a bit more obvious in the books as Dany is responsible for some very morally questionable acts. But I think her speech in this current episode is placing her on that same trajectory. In other words, she sort of herself IS the Song of Ice and Fire, as her soul grows colder and colder from the inferno of her will. Just a theory at this point, but I think SHE may prove the largest threat to Westeros in the wars to come...

I can get down with that theory
Yeah I thought her choice of words this time was a bit more aggressive and more egocentric than she's been before. Deliberate?

And does it mean she is in fact becoming more aggressive and egocentric or is it the case she just knows what she needs to say to inspire the Dothraki?

She just needs to hurry up and get over there now. Although I imagine her assault on King's Landing will be one of the final scenes before the show ends.
I assume I was supposed to find that Dany scene cool and exciting, but I feel like I've seen her do that 50 times before. Just go to Westeros and *%$# it up already.