Rex Tremendae Majestatis
What did she do that was superhuman. She's little and very good at moving about unnoticed.
Indeed, they set it up when Jon asks “how did you sneak up on me?”...
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What did she do that was superhuman. She's little and very good at moving about unnoticed.
They made her super human...she's not super human.
She killed off dozens of zombies and flew through the air to kill the NK.
No, you were paying attention just fine...they never explained it.
Arya = Mary Sue...really dumb.
It was ok. Could barely see a damn thing tbh
BTW, am I the only one who thought Bran would end up being the Night King?
No, Bran and Night King are the opposite forces.
And the idea of Arya as being superhuman is plain stupid. she can kill as much as most and she took a blow and was bleeding and ran away with the best of 'em. Jon doesn't have to be the big hero. On the other hand, in the world where there's giants, undead, magic, etc., maybe she got her no-one/assassin game up.
Best episode of GOT ever!!
Awesome episode, however...
Did I miss something or do we still not know who the Night King is, where he came from, why he came now, will he (or something like him) come again in a thousand years?
I probably wasn’t paying attention, right?
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Awesome episode, however...
Did I miss something or do we still not know who the Night King is, where he came from, why he came now, will he (or something like him) come again in a thousand years?
I probably wasn’t paying attention, right?
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Good/borderline great episode...some thoughts, and in consideration of others:
Melisandre showing up and lighting the Dothraki’s arakhs was cool...but charging into battle was pretty dumb of them, LOL. But it goes to show the different fighting tendencies of the Dothraki horde versus the Unsullied. Cavalry (I’d use the term lightly in the case of the Dothraki, but they are mounted) is better suited to offensive tactics such as charging whereas heavy infantry with shields and spear can be used offensively or defensively. One thing I’d wish they have shown was the Dothraki prowess in archery from horseback...on the other hand, it was night, LOL.
Was Tyrion correct in what he said last episode? “I think we may live”...at least, for those drinking by the fire. Tyrion survives, Ser Davos survived, as did Sers Jaime and Brienne, and Tormund. Did they feature Podrick at all? I can’t recall.
As far as character deaths, very worthy death scenes for Ser Beric Dondarrion and Ser Jorah Mormont. Ser Jorah dies defending his queen (though I was waiting for him to tell Dany to just run into the fire to get away from the wights, LOL) and Ser Beric fulfilling his reason for being brought from death all those times...to keep Arya alive so she can be the one that killed the Night King.
Theon got an honorable send off as well, but poor Edisson, got stabbed in the back.
And Lyana Mormont defeating the undead giant. With her death and Jorah’s death, I guess that’s the end of House Mormont.
The dragon versus dragon scenes were incredible to see. We’ve seen dragons on film before, but I can’t recall any film that depicted by dragons fighting each other. I’m assuming Rhaegal survived his crash landing? Otherwise he would have been reanimated when the Night King reanimate the others.
Having said all that, and as satisfying as this episode was, I feel like things after this will be anticlimactic as this was described as the Great War. Hopefully the last three episodes will prove me wrong.
Yeah calling Arya a Mary Sue just tells me that you don’t know what that term means so you use it to describe any female character you dislike.
Agree 100%Agreed. Arya has been like the spine of this show for years. Her journey led us to that moment. Calling her a Mary Sue is so off point and disingenuous it's not even funny. Its pure ****ing idiocy honestly.