One episode and the looming threat of the series is dealt with!?
Congrats HBO, you just ruined Game Of Thrones.
Congrats HBO, you just ruined Game Of Thrones.
Honestly though if they have two Dragons is there really any reason they shouldn't be able to defeat Cersei and her Golden Company army?
I realize they just lost 80% of their Army fighting the undead but COME on. Dragons! They are worth 20k men alone.
Podrick definitely survived. He was standing next to Brienne and Jaime after the zombies fell.Podrick was fighting beside Brienne. Not sure if he survive. Jon just ignore Sam's call for help, lol.
I agree with many of your points here. It is interesting how the fog and darkness are so polarizing. I was alternating between being annoyed and frustrated, and thinking that it did a good job capturing the "fog of war," literally. They needed to demonstrate how hard it was to see what was going on, because this was the perspective of the good guys, but. . .maybe they could have done a bit less of it.Some good moments but overall very disappointed.
This was another scene that I couldn't imagine Martin writing. She did demonstrate that all along, she was living her life for the Lord of Light, and wasn't being selfish in anything that she did. But, killing Stannis's daughter is among the most horrific and evil acts in the show. So, maybe she didn't deserve to go out as a kind of hero. Davos seemed conflicted, but I would have totally supported him gutting her like a fish.Great episode.
Melisandre: Great arc and redemption. Yeah, that scene with the swords..
and then being snuffed out in the distance. Yikes.
Wouldve liked to see her slowly ignite as she was walking away as an old women.
Apparently there was a quick shot of Ghost in the background of one shot of the teaser for the next episode. He lives!
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Update: Ghost made it too, There is a quick shot of him at the beginning of the preview.
Episode was good However I am a little dissatisfied. I mean I expected a lot more from the battle, also for Jon to have a big battle one on one with Night King but was robbed. Now the main threat is dealt with hmh just like that, felt rushed I myself think Battle of the Bastards was so much better definitely still my favorite episode. The deaths were pretty much what I expected, my poor little Lady Mormont you went out like a true Warrior she had a very good death and was one of my favorites of the episode.
Partway through the episode, I was actually expecting something like that! Maybe just 4 or 5 major characters living. And while it would have sucked to lose characters we are attached to, the shock of unexpected death would have matched Martin's approach to things, the remaining episodes would have been really damn interesting.Look at it this way, had the NK not been destroyed last episode, the only characters that could have possibly survived would have been Dany and Jon, and only because they had dragons.
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Don't worry, I'm sure the ensuing struggle will deplete the ranks soon enough.In the run-up to this season, I remember them saying how this season would have, by far, the biggest and most impressive battles so far. But agree with you that it doesn't seem so out of line with what we've seen before. I thought it was good, but certainly nothing to blow away the major battles before.
Partway through the episode, I was actually expecting something like that! Maybe just 4 or 5 major characters living. And while it would have sucked to lose characters we are attached to, the shock of unexpected death would have matched Martin's approach to things, the remaining episodes would have been really damn interesting.
So how many dragons are left? **** were too foggy and dark to make out whats goin on with the battles of the dragons.
Episode was good However I am a little dissatisfied. I mean I expected a lot more from the battle, also for Jon to have a big battle one on one with Night King but was robbed.
[...] I myself think Battle of the Bastards was so much better[...]
Episode was good However I am a little dissatisfied. I mean I expected a lot more from the battle, also for Jon to have a big battle one on one with Night King but was robbed. Now the main threat is dealt with hmh just like that, felt rushed I myself think Battle of the Bastards was so much better definitely still my favorite episode. The deaths were pretty much what I expected, my poor little Lady Mormont you went out like a true Warrior she had a very good death and was one of my favorites of the episode.