HBO's Game of Thrones

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So the dragon that was breathing fire towards Jon is still viserion?

I thought rhaegal and viserion was in the middle of battle with viserion coming on top before drogon swooped in and bite off his head. And as a result of the battle rhaegal died and got resurrected by the NK.
Doesn't seem like Cersei should have so much power to be able to take down the entire remaining Walker alliance, including both dragons. . .her only major, remaining allies seem to be pirate dude's group and Bronn. But we'll see! I can certainly see some infighting fracturing the group of good guys. E.g., Jon vs. Dany, Jon/Dany vs. Sansa, Jaime wrestling with his allegiance, the Wildlings probably not giving a **** about what happens with humans fighting with each other over the throne, Davos arguably also not having a dog in that fight, etc. Cersei doesn't provide a real existential threat like the Walkers did, so the alliance really should fray and dissipate. But based on the trailer, it does at least seem that Dany and the Starks work out their issues.

So the dragon that was breathing fire towards Jon is still viserion?

I thought rhaegal and viserion was in the middle of battle with viserion coming on top before drogon swooped in and bite off his head. And as a result of the battle rhaegal died and got resurrected by the NK.
His head was messed up, but still attached as I understood it. Supposedly there are two dragons in the commercial for next week, which I guess answers that.
Since this season started conversation have been “Who’s gonna die?”. To be honest I’m getting sick of it. I don’t want these character’s I have been following for seven seasons to simply be killed off by a rush of Walkers. If they die it should have meaning and I felt that this episode did it well for those that did. If every second counts then Mormont, Branna, Jamie, Podrick Sam etc should be dead. They were off camera for several minutes at a time and when we returned to them Sam is still in a pile of bodies crying, Jamie and Company still back up against a wall, Mormont still on top of a peak of bodies. The hound grabbing Aria had more emotion then say they Hound being swarmed/stabbed by walkers and dead.

Yes it was surprising that the Walker King went out but at the same time happy its out of the way. I don’t know if another episode of battle would help push the story forward (might get boring). The purpose of the Walker king was to band the groups/familes of the living together and by shedding blood together these families of created a stronger bond.

The drama now can be argued that they are now the underdogs who have just won a Game seven (with triple overtime) and up against a team in the South who have won four straight and are well rested for Round 2
Yeah, there’s no sense of urgency in this final battle with Cersei as it did when the Sansa and Jon had to take back winterfell from Ramsey. They didn’t have the troops, nor the cunningness of Ramsey. Viewers are all on the edge of the seat, anticipating whether their hero Jon would make it or not. And I bet many people would love to see Ramsey died in a tremendous amount of pain possible.

But with Cersei, I just don’t see that. She’s cunning and calculating yes, but she’s still got a lot of relatable human quality in her - like mourning for her father and her sons, still caring bout Lannister legacy etc.

Meanwhile, Ramsey a straight up psychopath who’s got no norm and would do just bout anything to get power including killing his father / baby brother or just to torture someone and laugh in his own sick and twisted way.
So the dragon that was breathing fire towards Jon is still viserion?

I thought rhaegal and viserion was in the middle of battle with viserion coming on top before drogon swooped in and bite off his head. And as a result of the battle rhaegal died and got resurrected by the NK.

Yeah, the dragon fight was unclear. It was still Viserion -- he had holes in his neck where Drogon or Rhaegal bit him.
I see. Are viserion’s Fire any different compared to the other dragon asides the color? Technically since Jon’s a Targaryen he’s supposed to be fireproof and should be fine.
Look at it this way, had the NK not been destroyed last episode, the only characters that could have possibly survived would have been Dany and Jon, and only because they had dragons.

I do believe you really have nowhere to go with an army of the dead if you keep it up for too long. I felt a little cheated that "winter" was killed so swiftly... but then do you have everyone retreat to King's Landing just to have another Battle of the Dead?

And you guys who say the show was too dark need to watch it on a 55" or better screen and get off your phones.
I was watching on the big screen, and was even watching through my cable box instead of the Roku app. But there was still some major compression issues that made things doubly hard to see in the scenes that were mostly black and foggy.
I loved the episode and the biggest complaint - the darkness - didn't bother me at all. To me, it added to the overall eeriness of the episode by giving the viewer a sense of claustrophobia. I do felt like it could have been more "epic" though mostly because I've been down the rabbit hole of numerous theories surrounding the Night King - who he is (forgotten Targaryen or Stark?), a different motive perhaps?, different version of Bran?, possibly being the good guy in this story?, etc.

A lot of people are upset that more people didn't die and that it didn't live up to GRRM-GoT-level expectations but isn't it GoT-style to subvert our expectations? Everyone, including me, thought only a handful of characters would live past this episode. Suprise! Most lived! It would have been unsurprising if what we had expected came true.

I still don't know how to feel about the end of the Night King and his legion of white walkers. It really feels like the finale should have been the end of the NK.
Peep don't understand how bad storms are, especially foggy type. Mr. Green went to fishing numerous times and a few times, it's so foggy, he can't literally see 10 feet ahead.

But this time they have the advantage of dragon glass, dragons, fires, and preparation; no element of surprise except the storm/fog.
Viserion’s neck was damaged where Rhaegel hit him...that’s why Viserion was only able to breathe fire sporadically when Jon was attempting to reach the Weirwood.

RE the Night King, I wish that the showrunners had Drogon or Rhaegel use dragon fire on some of the other walkers and showed them perish in dragon flame...therefore making it so when the Night King survives Drogon’s flame, we can extrapolate that he is from the Targaryen lineage.

The blizzard was a nice touch...but the combination of the blizzard AND the darkness of night was too much. The Night King should have used the blizzard/“winds of winter”...but during day/morning...the weather was used to great effect during the Hardhome episode.
Viserion’s neck was damaged where Rhaegel hit him...that’s why Viserion was only able to breathe fire sporadically when Jon was attempting to reach the Weirwood.

RE the Night King, I wish that the showrunners had Drogon or Rhaegel use dragon fire on some of the other walkers and showed them perish in dragon flame...therefore making it so when the Night King survives Drogon’s flame, we can extrapolate that he is from the Targaryen lineage.

The blizzard was a nice touch...but the combination of the blizzard AND the darkness of night was too much. The Night King should have used the blizzard/“winds of winter”...but during day/morning...the weather was used to great effect during the Hardhome episode.

But the dragon fire did wipe out a large portion of the white walkers or did you mean the generals? Even so, it seems like he might be a Targaryen.

I don't think they did it the right way with a blizzard at night. We've seen the blizzard in the daylight fights and for this battle between the NIGHT King to end the threat of the great NIGHT . . . . it had to be done in the night.
I see. Are viserion’s Fire any different compared to the other dragon asides the color? Technically since Jon’s a Targaryen he’s supposed to be fireproof and should be fine.

I think they may be highly resistant to heat, but Dany hanging out in a bonfire was more the perfect storm of Targaryen heritage, blood magic (thanks to burning the witch) and dragon eggs.

Or it’s all hers because she’s got pure blood maybe. I don’t think Jon is fireproof or he may have figured that out before.

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