HBO's Game of Thrones

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Emmy noms aren’t announced until July 16. The GOT final season is eligible to be nominated, like pretty much every other show on TV, but it hasn’t happened yet.

My mistake, I checked and HBO submitted the final episode for possible nomination. They should be nominated and then when they are there dressed up and expecting to win, Benioff and Weiss should be hauled up on stage to be tarred, feathered and paraded around town.
Benioff and Weiss should be hauled up on stage to be tarred, feathered and paraded around town.


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The jokes are all that we have now. It's unbelievable how the last season took such a **** turn even with the previous few seasons in mind which didn't exactly inspire much confidence in the quality of writing. The biggest joke of all is that I read the writing for the last episode(s?) are nominated for the Emmys.

How much did that cost HBO?
Emmys have never been about true quality. None of these big awards shows are. It's all about popularity, hype, and political atmosphere, and the episodes of the last season had the highest viewer rates of any previous episodes. But bribery is still not outside the realm of possibility.
Show runners D&D policed directors visuals heavily and shot down alternate ideas:

"That back-and-forth gradually into just a forth, as Sapochnik conceded defeat. "There comes a point when they dig in and you just don’t want to be there," he said.

"[Benioff and Weiss] said [it was] 'so self-conscious and we hate it', basically," Sapochnik said. "I was visually policed for the first three months of my shoot and it made the creation of 'Hardhome' really difficult because I pissed them off."

Wow, no diplomacy there. He either ***HATES*** these guys or he's confident they can't hurt his career.
Guy is probably trying to displace blame for the purpose of salvaging his own career prospects. Everyone ****s on that battle so much that I'm sure he's not going to be in as high a demand as he otherwise would have been. But frankly, that seems like a small part of the overall issue here. The director doesn't write the story, and that's the main problem. Killing Jorah during the initial charge versus a long, dramatic fight at the end. . .Sapochnik's instincts were more in line with the tone of the series to that point, and I think it would have been more fulfilling to viewers on that level. His death was too predictable in the actual show. On the other hand, though, since they didn't have time to really set up Dany's turn, we needed to see her traumatized by his death, and the way they handled it allowed for that. So, I can see that scene both ways.
Guy is probably trying to displace blame for the purpose of salvaging his own career prospects.

Good call kara -- its a ballsy move given that people are gonna remember him throwing D&D under the bus.

[...] Killing Jorah during the initial charge versus a long, dramatic fight at the end. . .Sapochnik's instincts were more in line with the tone of the series to that point, and I think it would have been more fulfilling to viewers on that level. His death was too predictable in the actual show. On the other hand, though, since they didn't have time to really set up Dany's turn, we needed to see her traumatized by his death, and the way they handled it allowed for that. So, I can see that scene both ways.

True, they wrote themselves into a corner there. But it would have made sense for Jorah to die in that charge. Would have made more sense not to charge into darkness against a foe like the undead, but that's a whole other story.
Yeah, he was in the very front line. How does he get in there and not get slaughtered? In fact, probably the silliest thing of the whole episode was where we see how overwhelming the zombies are in one scene, but later on, the guys (Brienne, Podrick, etc.) are fighting against hordes of zombies in hand to hand combat for extended periods of time, but somehow survive. Wasn't Samwell, with no skills or even weapons that I recall, sitting under a bunch of zombies for 10 or 15 minutes? Not exactly what you would have expected in seasons 2 or 3.
Yeah, he was in the very front line. How does he get in there and not get slaughtered? In fact, probably the silliest thing of the whole episode was where we see how overwhelming the zombies are in one scene, but later on, the guys (Brienne, Podrick, etc.) are fighting against hordes of zombies in hand to hand combat for extended periods of time, but somehow survive. Wasn't Samwell, with no skills or even weapons that I recall, sitting under a bunch of zombies for 10 or 15 minutes? Not exactly what you would have expected in seasons 2 or 3.

:lol But in fairness to Newt, she was hiding in walls that the aliens couldn't reach. Samwell had zombies right on top of him. I actually would have loved it if the show treated him as a coward who hid under a staircase or something, then still ends up as the grand Maester. But once again, the show has to have its cake and eat it, too. He wasn't over cowardly, but he ends up being spared despite not fighting.
Yeah, he was in the very front line. How does he get in there and not get slaughtered? In fact, probably the silliest thing of the whole episode was where we see how overwhelming the zombies are in one scene, but later on, the guys (Brienne, Podrick, etc.) are fighting against hordes of zombies in hand to hand combat for extended periods of time, but somehow survive. Wasn't Samwell, with no skills or even weapons that I recall, sitting under a bunch of zombies for 10 or 15 minutes? Not exactly what you would have expected in seasons 2 or 3.

Yep. Jorah -- instant death. Sam -- instant death. Anyone outside the walls -- rapid death. I actually thought Brienne was going to die when she was first overwhelmed, but nope. The show lost its nerve.
:lol But in fairness to Newt, she was hiding in walls that the aliens couldn't reach. Samwell had zombies right on top of him. I actually would have loved it if the show treated him as a coward who hid under a staircase or something, then still ends up as the grand Maester. But once again, the show has to have its cake and eat it, too. He wasn't over cowardly, but he ends up being spared despite not fighting.

That would have made sense.
I agree. That third episode was where I started to worry. I had really enjoyed the first two where it was all just long awaited reunions of certain characters and so on. Then inexplicable stuff started happening...
Not here to defend D&D but I think the self-reported dissonance with the director and D&D is being sensationalized for clicks. All I took from that article was that he wanted to be artsy-fartsy with certain scenes and D&D thought it was too pretentious. With regard to the Long Night Battle, if the writers had written down the plan for the entire season, good or bad, why would they allow the director to take an axe to their plan by killing off as many characters as he wanted? This really smells of the director saving face with the public.