HD-DVD for 360 + HD Kong

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I have a 42" plasma. I think it only supports 1080i, not 1080p, gotta check the book again. I'm not really sure what the difference is, but HD channels look very pretty so I'd imagine I'd get the same from an HD player.

Tom, can you tell any difference between your stand alone HD player and the HD drive for the 360?
Darth Loki said:
I have a 42" plasma. I think it only supports 1080i, not 1080p, gotta check the book again. I'm not really sure what the difference is, but HD channels look very pretty so I'd imagine I'd get the same from an HD player.

Tom, can you tell any difference between your stand alone HD player and the HD drive for the 360?

Hello? Anyone?
Hey by the way, I said it in one of the other threads, but it applies here the most. The HD-DVD drive for the 360 works on a PC also, just plug it in and it'll come up as a CD-ROM and then you have to find the drivers on the internet somewhere, (search Xbox 360 HD-DVD PC drivers) and then you can play HD-DVD's on your PC using WinDVD 8 (Japanese version). For Macs the drive is recognized as what it is but there isn't currently any software for Mac that can play HD-DVD so it's a little useless right now.
I have an important question that I hope someone can answer.

My receiver doesn't have a digital in, so I can't play my 360 in 5.1 surround. Only in stereo. This pretty much means that I couldn't watch movies through the HD drive in surround only stereo, right?

I'm so pi$$ed off right now!!!!:monkey4 :monkey4 :monkey4
Can anyone verify if:
A.) the HD-DVD copy of Kong included is the extended version
B.) It has all the supplements and bonus features of the 3 DVD release

I need to know, because, if so, I am going to cancel my order for the DVD set and just pick this up with that 40 dollar coupon. That would bring the overall price down to 140 after taxes.
Darth Loki said:
I have an important question that I hope someone can answer.

My receiver doesn't have a digital in, so I can't play my 360 in 5.1 surround. Only in stereo. This pretty much means that I couldn't watch movies through the HD drive in surround only stereo, right?

I'm so pi$$ed off right now!!!!:monkey4 :monkey4 :monkey4

That is correct. How can you play things in 5.1 without a digital input? Is it one of those 5 seperate input styles?
mfoga said:
That is correct. How can you play things in 5.1 without a digital input? Is it one of those 5 seperate input styles?

I can't play in 5.1, that's the problem.

I think I'm going to get a new HT system and give the current one I have to my Dad. He needs a surround system and he won't care about stupid crap like that.

Can someone please post a link to the Circuit City coupon? I try going through the link from the earlier post and it just gives me a run around.
Thank you.
Kong is the regular theatrical edition, the extended is only out on regular DVD for now.
After an online update, the 360 now outputs 1080p.

HOWEVER--most 1080p sets refuse to accept 1080p through component cables, and the 360 has no HDMI. So movie wise it seems that the 1080p issue still needs work on the 360. Check with your manufacturer or owners manual to confirm whether your set will allow 1080p over component. Or, the 360 will output movies at 1080p over the VGA connection, so buy one of those cables if your TV has a VGA input.

Also--nice find with the coupon! That helps a lot.

And I have the drive and can confirm that Kong is the theatrical edition, and the only special features are some clips from the production diaries that come up during the movie if you click your remote when the icon lights up, like the old Matrix DVD. There are no stand alone special features.
Darth Loki said:
Thank you :D

I will try this tomorrow.

It's official. I'm the weakest and most impatient person on the planet. Since my CC only had two left I went up and it worked like a charm. Only $167 after taxes. Couldn't say no to that. Time to go set up and see how she looks.
You ever feel like you are Karma's whipping boy? Well, I hooked up my 360 this evening (had taken it "offline" so I could play through the copy of Justice League Heroes I rented for the original X-box) and turned it on. The evil "red light of doom" popped up and the machine gave me an immediate contact customer support message. I just about crapped myself. This is the first time I have ever had any kind of problem from my system. I immediately shut it off and began my prayers "please work, please work, please work" and turned the machine back on. It worked like a charm. Been playing Marvel Ultimate Alliance now for an hour with no problems.

Normally, this wouldn't amount to much. However, I find the fact that it happened on PS3 launch day to be a weird coincidence. Its almost like I pissed my 360 off. Que the HAL voice from 2001: "So, you thought about buying yourself one of those shiny new Playstations hmm? Well, lets see how you like doing without... not so fun is it? Now, back to the glowing idiot box..................................... and Hail Sat... uh, Bill."
Count your blessings. Mine didn't work like a charm again :monkey2

Hooked up and all I can say is wow!!! Absolutely stunning.

Anyone know a great place to get cheap HD-DVD's?

If you can get your local CC to accept the coupon, this is a no brainer of a purchase.

Thanks again Vader Al.

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