This should've been PS3 Exclusive, it has no right on 360.. Let me explain.
MGS may have started on the MSX, and may be ported onto the nintendo systems, but MGS is a staple of Sony Playstation it became popular and beloved on those systems. MGS IS a Playstation juggernaut.
XBOX 360 is The Playstation's direct competition afterall. Not to mention that if it was exlcusive to PS3 they could've been remade using the MGS4 engine. They may not have done this but it would've been an option, i bet the MGS4 engine is licensed to PS3 and wouldnt be able or allowed to work on the 360.
I'm not trying to start a console war, really, but i've grown up with MGS on Sony systems (owned and played them all on PS1, PS2, PSP and PS3) and feel that they are being sold out.
It would be the exact same or worse situation if Halo and Gears Of War were brought to PS3, fans would be outraged!!
I don't see the issue; it's a collection, not a new title. Were you this incensed when MGS2: Substance came to the original Xbox?
This should've been PS3 Exclusive, it has no right on 360.. Let me explain.
MGS may have started on the MSX, and may be ported onto the nintendo systems, but MGS is a staple of Sony Playstation it became popular and beloved on those systems. MGS IS a Playstation juggernaut.
XBOX 360 is The Playstation's direct competition afterall. Not to mention that if it was exlcusive to PS3 they could've been remade using the MGS4 engine. They may not have done this but it would've been an option, i bet the MGS4 engine is licensed to PS3 and wouldnt be able or allowed to work on the 360.
I'm not trying to start a console war, really, but i've grown up with MGS on Sony systems (owned and played them all on PS1, PS2, PSP and PS3) and feel that they are being sold out.
It would be the exact same or worse situation if Halo and Gears Of War were brought to PS3, fans would be outraged!!
The sales for the X-Box version of Substance was extremely poor, because the majority of MGS fans had already transitioned over to the PS2 to play the original version of MGS 2. I believe that the only people who were enraged by this, was Konami, because X-Box owners didn't even care much about the game to buy it.
I don't see how anything you just said justifies Sony fanboy attitudes toward the HD MGS collection coming to 360. If anything, It's exactly the same situation as when MGS2 Substance came to Xbox. All of these games have been released previously for Sony's platforms and thusly, no one should be enraged by this unless the HD Collection sells poorly on 360. Unless that happens (which I highly doubt), sales of Substance on Xbox are irrelevant in context of this discussion.
The MGS Rising situation though, that's something that's legitimately rage worthy for Sony fans.
Yes, I brought up Substance, but not sales. That's what you brought to the discussion.
I think there's probably a large contingent of Sony + MGS traditionalists who are still boiling over this. I'm not saying Nova-Force is one of these people, but bumping the thread by saying that MGS "has no right on 360" does connote sour grapes.
I think if people stopped caring about third party exclusives, they'd be much happier. MGS was a flagship franchise for Sony, but it's not a first party series and thusly it was never locked down to Sony. You bring up Master Chief and Halo, but there's the difference: Halo is a first party franchise. It's to Microsoft what Uncharted and Gran Turismo is to Sony. MGS was never like that, though a lot of fanboys considered it to be.
I don't know when it happened, but at some point in my life, the idea of third party games changing platforms stopped bothering me. It could be because of how long I've been a gamer. It could've been when Sega Dreamcast died and a lot of Sega first party and third party titles spilled onto PS2 and Gamecube and Xbox. Generally, as long as first party stuff stays on their respective platforms (Mario - Halo - Uncharted), I'm usually unruffled by news of third party platform switches.
Think of it this way: rewind time back a decade, no, 15 years ago when Playstation was stealing third party studios from Nintendo and Sega. Nova Force made a good point in his post, Metal Gear was originally an MSX series that also made an appearance on the NES. It was never exclusive to any platform. Ten or so years later, MGS2 Substance released for Xbox and then MGS Twin SNakes came to Nintendo Gamecube.
But back to how Sony snatched third party games away from other platforms. Final Fantasy? Dragon Quest? Tomb Raider? Mega Man? etc etc. The market designates the direction third party games go. Ten years ago was a mirrored reflection of how things are going now. Consider it as Sony paying its dues - or more accurately - those dues being recouped by the will of the market.
It's not so bad though. There are a number of formerly exclusive Xbox titles becoming multi-platform franchises. Bioshock is one. Mass Effect is another. It wouldn't surprise me if, theorizing that Sony is the lead platform next generation, a lot of Microsoft's exclusives switch sides.
I'm curious, but why would u all feel the need to own all the different consoles?
Is it to play all the console exclusive games? e.g wii for Mario, PS3 for GOW3 & Xbox360 for Halo?
I think if people stopped caring about third party exclusives, they'd be much happier. MGS was a flagship franchise for Sony, but it's not a first party series and thusly it was never locked down to Sony. You bring up Master Chief and Halo, but there's the difference: Halo is a first party franchise. It's to Microsoft what Uncharted and Gran Turismo is to Sony. MGS was never like that, though a lot of fanboys considered it to be.
I don't know when it happened, but at some point in my life, the idea of third party games changing platforms stopped bothering me. It could be because of how long I've been a gamer. It could've been when Sega Dreamcast died and a lot of Sega first party and third party titles spilled onto PS2 and Gamecube and Xbox. Generally, as long as first party stuff stays on their respective platforms (Mario - Halo - Uncharted), I'm usually unruffled by news of third party platform switches.
Think of it this way: rewind time back a decade, no, 15 years ago when Playstation was stealing third party studios from Nintendo and Sega. Nova Force made a good point in his post, Metal Gear was originally an MSX series that also made an appearance on the NES. It was never exclusive to any platform. Ten or so years later, MGS2 Substance released for Xbox and then MGS Twin SNakes came to Nintendo Gamecube.
But back to how Sony snatched third party games away from other platforms. Final Fantasy? Dragon Quest? Tomb Raider? Mega Man? etc etc. The market designates the direction third party games go. Ten years ago was a mirrored reflection of how things are going now. Consider it as Sony paying its dues - or more accurately - those dues being recouped by the will of the market.
It's not so bad though. There are a number of formerly exclusive Xbox titles becoming multi-platform franchises. Bioshock is one. Mass Effect is another. It wouldn't surprise me if, theorizing that Sony is the lead platform next generation, a lot of Microsoft's exclusives switch sides.