Super Freak
You can't just wait it out. Who wants to wait forever or never to play Uncharted since they don't have a PS3? You have to buy them all to play games.
I was never a fanboy of any particular console back then, and not now. I guess many people feel they need to pick a side. Nowadays, especially with the Wii U, it's getting to the point where it's pointless to have more than one console as almost everything (of course third party) isn't even exclusive anymore. It's to the point where I sometimes can't decide which console I should get a game for.
I have to rely on research prior to purchase, like are there any exclusives to one version (Mortal Kombat)? Is one version more buggy than the other (Bayonetta)? Was it originally developed for the 360 then ported to the PS3 even though they're identical (Resident Evil 5)? Heck, if there really is no difference, I would get it for the platform its predecessors were originally on (Devil May Cry). Back then, the "Same game" would often be COMPLETELY different on the Genesis or SNES, much like how Wii versions of PS3/360 games are these days. Either way, I'm a gaming agnostic and just to keep with tradition, will be getting this bad assery for the PS3.
I'm curious, but why would u all feel the need to own all the different consoles?
Is it to play all the console exclusive games? e.g wii for Mario, PS3 for GOW3 & Xbox360 for Halo?
In my opinion, I think the trend of third-party "exclusives" going cross platform has less to do with the current situation of the market, and more to do with companies trying to maximize their profits as much as possible. It's even more evident in this generation, or perhaps it's just the case that game developers have finally found out how capitalism works. To reiterate what others have said (namely, hairlesswookiee), it's come to the point, where you don't even have to buy all of the consoles to enjoy their respected third-party titles anymore. Just wait it out, until the games get re-released for your console. That said, it does take away the charm of owning one of these systems.
Not too keen on Eddie and James. Maria sounds fine. But the way she says "I'm not your Mary" doesn't send shivers down my spine like the original did. Oh well.
Did they give any reason why they're re-recording? Is it for the 5.1 sound or something?
I have Silent Hill, 2, 3, 4, and Origins but have only finished Silent Hill 2. I'm sad that they changed the voices. I guess I'm gonna get the ones I don't have and do a series run when the HD collections come out.