He has arrived!!! Sideshow Wolf Bust :)

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Here ya go :)




faken ! that looks incredible. Great piece man. I might get it in the future.
your collection kicks ass bro.
your video review was awsome ty for that.
I also subscribed to your videos on youtube.

keep it up man !
The dreds are a huge improvement. That's for sure, but the mouth looks 2 tone going from one color into another almost in a straight line. I do think it would be easy to improve due to it's large size. I will definitely take a brush to mine. I may just go ahead and flex pay so I don't feel the sting all at once.
Flex pay is awesome.

Do to the size I do feel it would be easier to fix than a Hot Toys Predator.
OK guys, I don't know if I was just staring at the screen too much yesterday (I'm running on 3 hours sleep atm) but now that I am looking at the photos again vs the Bust sitting right next to me, the photos definitely have a greenish tinge and it's making the bust look greener than it is overall. I apologize for the error. I have now corrected the images and this is accurate to the piece as it looks to the naked eye.

Unfortunately the color correction does not address the mouth or the lack of extra green on the scarring lol!


Where are the new images?
faken ! that looks incredible. Great piece man. I might get it in the future.
your collection kicks ass bro.
your video review was awsome ty for that.
I also subscribed to your videos on youtube.

keep it up man !

He's got a DREAM collection. I would personally love to see him do a video sometime of just a small sample of some of the great kits he has.

More and more now I find myself looking through ebay to find rare *originals* of old model kits.
What do you mean by "ummmm what??? are you serious???" Everyone is pretty much agreeing with you.
no, i'm saying i can't believe my eyes. this is something i have been dying to get my hands on and the lack of detail in the paint is something i can't believe.
I think he's just stating his disbelief, he's not saying it as a "wtf are you talking about" to anyone ;)
^^^exactly. i'm gonna cry tomorrow for sure.
You're an ass.

Anyway, I even repainted this...
So im kinda fearless (this was before I repainted it. But only a little)
looks awesome...i don't think we should have to repaint this bust to get what they promised us in the prototype.
That cabinet looks really cool also. Not much choice for good cabinets over here.. or they are really dear! Cant wait to see pics of yours also hairlesswookiee!
I think that it looks great in the context of a display, but not quite as much when on its own, and even worse when compared to the SS pics.
Wow I didn't compare mine to the pics on the SS site just images from SDCC. The images from SDCC look like the bust we have. The images from the SS site makes this peice a big disappointment in the paintjob catagory. They should have concentrated alot more on the paintjob and less on the damn dreads. Its still a great bust that I'm proud to own. BTW I recieved #37/750
The statueforum guys were the ones who brought up the dreads to Sideshow's attention and they altered them.

Who knows if this affected the paints...I still think it's a wonderful piece, but for $900 we should get something EXACTLY like the prototype.

Sideshow, this is really getting outrageous....not delivering good paints on a $50-$100 figure is one thing, but completely disregarding it and ignoring it on a $900 piece is RIDICULOUS.

I might consider sending mine back for a refund.
I was gonna order this guy but I really did prefer the protos paint job.
I think for the price uk sites are listing these its a pass now.

Congratz on receiving it though guys !. :rock
Congratulations on this catch! It's good to see that at least the Special Effect Studios keep up their precision work and take their job seriously, even on jackass movie productions. I actually did notice the rather simplistic paintjob (especially on the mouth area) from the first couple of pics you posted even before reading your review, however when comparing the full shots among your collection setup the overall appearance seems to overshadow it by far.

Still I can't help to say that I wouldn't add it to my collection even if I got it for free, simply because of the franchise plus the imo messed up character design.
hmmm...seems to be alot of pros and cons out there. I for one don't find it differs much in the paint app department from what He looked like in the movie. the biggest difference is the dreads. they hung pretty much straight down in the movie. the thing about seeing what Wolf looked like is the lighting that gave him a darker appearance.

the BEST part of the movie to check out what he looks like is when he is checking out the downed ship. just check it in slow motion and you'll see that the skin tone is fairly light.
no, i'm saying i can't believe my eyes. this is something i have been dying to get my hands on and the lack of detail in the paint is something i can't believe.

^^^exactly. i'm gonna cry tomorrow for sure.

looks awesome...i don't think we should have to repaint this bust to get what they promised us in the prototype.

Ohh. I gotcha. I still like it. You'll probly be happy with him once he's in your house.
It's hard to judge, that pic was taken with the flash by the looks of it, and doing that up close will make any paint job look like ass ;) Probably looks great in natural light.
Ohh. I gotcha. I still like it. You'll probly be happy with him once he's in your house.

i'll let you guys know tomorrow...if i'm not happy with it i might just post him up for sale. sorry guys but after getting my hands on the Palpatine, Yoda, and Darth Maul busts i have my standards/expectations really high for SS.
faken ! that looks incredible. Great piece man. I might get it in the future.
your collection kicks ass bro.
your video review was awsome ty for that.
I also subscribed to your videos on youtube.

keep it up man !

Hey thanks man! I saw your Youtube posts, thanks :) I'll respond soon, I'm just totally swamped right now with work and the predator stuff going on LOL! Trying to keep my head above water with 3 hours sleep in 2 days! BOOYA!

He's got a DREAM collection. I would personally love to see him do a video sometime of just a small sample of some of the great kits he has.

More and more now I find myself looking through ebay to find rare *originals* of old model kits.

LOL Thanks man :) I will take new collection photos as soon as I get a base I am waiting for and post them for you guys :)

Where are the new images?

All the images already posted on the first page and quoted on various pages are automatically updated :) I simply overwrote the old pics with the new ones on my server.

The statueforum guys were the ones who brought up the dreads to Sideshow's attention and they altered them.

Who knows if this affected the paints...I still think it's a wonderful piece, but for $900 we should get something EXACTLY like the prototype.

Sideshow, this is really getting outrageous....not delivering good paints on a $50-$100 figure is one thing, but completely disregarding it and ignoring it on a $900 piece is RIDICULOUS.

I might consider sending mine back for a refund.

Actually I'm the one that started that entire thing... you'll notice I'm the one posting about it on the SF ;) Myself and a bunch of friends and fellow collectors bugged the HELL out of many people at Sideshow to address it and they actually did, which was REALLY cool of them :)

That cabinet looks really cool also. Not much choice for good cabinets over here.. or they are really dear! Cant wait to see pics of yours also hairlesswookiee!

LOL thanks... I built one wall to wall case and I am saving up for another one, but in the meantime I customized this TV unit in to a sealed case and to hold some of my business paperwork lol!
Last edited:
All the images already posted on the first page and quoted on various pages are automatically updated :) I simply overwrote the old pics with the new ones on my server.


Ah, cool. You got all fancy on us! Excellent pics the first time and this time!