Heath Ledger Joker Customs

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100% and it’s not even close at this point..
At least we’ll get quality buttons on it! Accurate too! It looks really good here.

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It does. I can live without the lapel stitching at least everything else (or most of it) is accurate to the source. It really seems it was the right move to order JND’s Joker, even more excited now. :LOL:
It seems like the sleeve buttons are glued on.. For $450 that’s very cheap. And glue dries out.
These buttons look exactly the same as the buttons on my Hot Toys bank robber from 2014. They dried out and one popped off just from handling the figure.

Yep, not impressed, not slightly.
The real sleeve buttons on JND will be welcomed. I just wish they would throw in a random unadvertised Joker Easter egg from the film, those little things make the hobby fun.
Zhent Luvy / kaizen Custom

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Nick spoke about doing your research about a person. Well I literally had no reason to believe this guy would scam me. He's very active in the community. And when I checked his personal profile, he seemed very religious (but I now know he's full of ****).

He's also a "family man" and he regularly posts about his wife and children. Guess people like that just have no shame.
That's crazy... I ordered a sculpt from him too but I got it thankfully. Sorry this happened to you bro.
100% and it’s not even close at this point..
At least we’ll get quality buttons on it! Accurate too! It looks really good here.

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I'm hoping for them to make a Lite version so I can get it and ditch all the stuff I don't need from it. The standard one is not worth it for me at that price tag.
Messaged Jagzz about the coat, hopefully he refunds me for it in it’s entirety, it’s the most disappointing thing for me in my time in the hobby.
Well I’m glad I didn’t pay a deposit for the full suit. It would’ve been inaccurate and probably very pricey.

I truly hope he refunds you in full. He should.
Well I’m glad I didn’t pay a deposit for the full suit. It would’ve been inaccurate and probably very pricey.

I truly hope he refunds you in full. He should.
Yeah full suit always looked rough but for some reason thought the notes would bring it home.

Did you get Artisan Phoenix?
Yeah full suit always looked rough but for some reason thought the notes would bring it home.

Did you get Artisan Phoenix?
It did, but he kept saying it was their old prototype and the new one would be much more refined so I had high hopes. Especially because Jagzz listened to all your feedback.

No I didn’t, I checked late last night and it was still available, but decided not to buy it. Price for me was €440 without shipping and taxes. Probably would hit close to €600. That’s just not worth it, the quality is not there with Hot Toys.
Will most likely wait for a custom run or eventually buy the InArt 4-pack. I’m not in a rush with Phoenix, want to put my focus more on Ledger right now. I still have my hands full with all the custom pieces I want to buy and need to pay off.
What custom pieces are you looking at?

Ledger for me would be waiting on the JND Type B, Artisan purple coat & Heise sculpt. As of right now I’ve decided to steer clear of dropping $300+ on the Full Metal Remington, just not worth it for a gun I’d barely use. Not much to look forward to regarding custom parts for Ledger right now.

I bought the Artisan Phoenix as one, to have something until I see what JND & InArt do, currently it’s got the best likeness, quickest turn around, and not much a gamble at $46 USD + rewards. I may keep, may cancel, we’ll see, but I kind of like having both Artisan Jokers. Phoenix for me will be a major work in progress, a custom suit is needed and will also need the metal Colt from the InArt release as HT will use plastic. You’re interested in the four pack huh? That’s dedication, I just want a single red suit to it’s full potential with a single accessory in hand.
I’m planning to buy the machine gun and knife from Full Metal. I want to commission the Glock 17, grenade rack and probably the Casio watch by Full Metal. I know Robbie might do it in the future, but a “maybe” is not enough for me. I know Full Metal will be able to do it, some of his smaller pieces have great details.
Second payment for the Addblue suit is almost due. Waiting on two sculpts from Yuan, planning to get a third done. And lastly I need to pay off my JND Type A.

So yeah still a lot of money and a long road to go when it comes to Ledger. I’m trying to throttle back my spending on this hobby a bit, but it hasn’t been easy so far. I won’t be wasting money on Hot Toys anymore because I know I will sell it as soon as a good custom run comes by. I rather wait.

I have the feeling when both are eventually out more custom pieces will be done for Phoenix. And yes I’m interested in the four pack, but mainly because of that bathroom look. Still unsure, I tend to change my mind pretty quickly.
Full Metal won’t make the Glock 17.
The only times I won’t go custom are for when it’s only available via production, but most will at minimum have some custom parts, don’t tend to leave anything untouched.

For my collection I think I’m content with -

1x custom Bank robber Ledger Joker
1x custom Purple coat Ledger Joker
1x custom Red suit Phoenix Joker
1x custom Armani suit Bale Bruce Wayne
1x custom Nicholson Joker

Licensed -

1x JND Ledger Joker Tybe B
1x HT Artisan Ledger Joker
1x First night out BB Bale
1x OT & Jaxon BB Batman
1x TDK Batsuit
1x 89 Keaton Batman
1x 92 Keaton Batman
1x 92 Catwoman
1x TDK Michael Caine Alfred
1x TDK Armory 2.0

Won’t let my collection exceed 20 displayed Figures at a time.

I’ve only placed two PO since this year began despite all of the announcements - TDK Armory 2.0 & Artisan Phoenix Joker, so I’m really good at being extremely selective in this hobby.
Why is that? I got the InArt Glock but I think it could use some improvements. Not a big deal if it’s not possible. JNDs Glock looks promising, even though it won’t be metal.

I plan to have max 10-15 figures. This year I only preordered Paul Atreides, but cancelled it due to all the delays and QC issues with previous figures.
Was told it was small, we already have the InArt, and that they didn’t think there was much to be done differently. Yeah I think 15 is a perfect sweet spot for collecting these days. You know you really want it if it cracks that list.
This is the 1/6 Glock 17 by DoggieDoc. Unfortunately the project was never finished and when I asked him about it he didn’t think it ever would.


On the InArt Glock this piece is silver (which is accurate to when he uses it later on in the film I believe), but not for the opening scene.
Surprisingly that’s exactly the part that broke on my InArt Glock.


Opening scene:


Later on in the film:


I know this is such a small detail that probably nobody cares about, but small things like this annoy me the most lol.
I would just buy a second InArt Glock and paint that detail black. They have the best version and I wouldn’t trade materials for details. Doc version would be 3D printed plastic. Would you pay $300 for a Full Metal Glock?
Yup, that’s why I wanted to ask Full Metal. Everything else on the InArt Glock is accurate.