Thank you sir 
Holy crap that figure is awesome. Well done, man.Fantastic custom creations everyone.
Here is my July entry.
It is my attempt at making the Star Wars character Vizam, a Kajain'sa'Nikto (Nikto). (Thanks Enaud for the head sculpt.)
As always, thanks goes out to TA for my frequent parts orders and we appreciate the great customer service.
View attachment 198759
He's awesome; every bit the ultimate Hawkeye. Let me ask what did you use for the shoulder armor?
Damn, I knew someone was going to ask that.
It was from a 1/6 female Asian figure that I don't remember the name of.
She had red eyes, a bob haircut, a black leather body suit and 2 futuristic weapons
(pistol and rifle) don't think it was a cy girl.
Awesome. You're right; it doesn't look like something from a Cy Girl. He's a great bash.