Hermione Teen version sixth scale figure review

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What were they thinking?!
This is 10 kinds of terrible - from the sculpt to the hair to the "teen version" (why not 3rd year; she's a teen for most of the series!) to the [completely ridiculous] misspelling of the character's name.

This company has to be imploding, or it soon will be with releases like this.
The figures quality along with the typo on the box makes this look like an official bootleg figure.
Didn't notice the misspelling of her name due to focusing on the head sculpt but wow, how does that even happen. The box art designer is a dope and whoever approved it is a dope.
Bad likeness, cheap hair, cheap paint and wrong name spelling on the box......if i never heard of Star Ace before i would assume this was a bootleg company because this figure ticks all the boxes of one.
:lol But at least Willow's name was spelled correctly and she was only $40.
From appearances this looks like the worst 1/6 scale licensed release ever...
And I thought the Tonner line of Potter dolls was wonky at times...

It almost adds insult to injury that on top of the terrible headsculpt/paint and box misspelling, they also leave out the one extra most needed to replicate Hermione's greatest moment of triumph from this movie - a fist hand to punch Malfoy in the face!
Just got this one in the mail, and boy is this one a disaster.

Beyond the issues with the likeness and misspelling that everyone has pointed out, she is way out of scale. I don't know what kind of body was used for this, but it sure wasn't "13 year old girl". She is almost just as tall as the grown-up figures in my collection, and a horribly oversized sweater gives her shoulders like a linebacker. At this scale she should have been 10 inches or smaller. Here she is 11.5".

On top of everything else, she doesn't even come with a proper wand hand. Instead just like Katniss, they reuse this trigger hand that doesn't hold the wand properly. It was bad enough not including a bow-holding hand for Katniss, but this is inexcuseable.
Sounds like it's time for Star Ace to call it a day...

Nah, it's time for them to get their **** together. They can clearly produce great figures, but this year has been a significant rough patch for them, with the exception of Teen Harry.
ShadeowX81 Can you take a picture of her together with teenage Harry if you have him? I realy wont to like this figure, but it is hard...

I don't have teen Harry unfortunately, but here are a couple of snaps I took. I intended to pose her in her sweater holding her wand, but I ended up ditching the sweater because it really was just that bad and made her look huge.

The head sculpt admittedly does look better in person, but unfortunately everything about this release just looked and felt very cheap. It came very close to approaching Barbie-like levels of quality. No joke.


I don't have teen Harry unfortunately, but here are a couple of snaps I took. I intended to pose her in her sweater holding her wand, but I ended up ditching the sweater because it really was just that bad and made her look huge.

The head sculpt admittedly does look better in person, but unfortunately everything about this release just looked and felt very cheap. It came very close to approaching Barbie-like levels of quality. No joke.

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This is so disappointing. After it was delayed over a year, to have such a steep drop from prototype to actual product is just disheartening.
I got her in yesterday and cracked her open tonight. After the reviews, and lackluster photos, I was prepared to be disappointed. Indeed, upon opening, I WAS disappointed. BUT: I played with the hair for about 20 minutes, and got it to look bushier, and now I'm fairly happy with it. Once the hair is back away from the face, more of the likeness shows through. Granted, it's not great, and I would have preferred the prototype, I'm reasonably happy with it for now, until a 3rd party head comes out.

I think with futzing, the likeness is a solid 70%. Not great, but passing. I'll post some pics tomorrow.