I'll wait for Mark OSR's interview. He usually gets juicy answers.
I really don't understand whats so hard to understand, Enterbay has the 1/4 Dark Knight licence, there is no way HT is makeing a 1/4 Ledger. NO WAY !!! As in... get it out of your brain, its NOT HAPPENING !!!
Unless... you meant a 1/4 Nicholson Joker, then in that case, i'm a complete douche and I appologize. 1/4 '89 Joker FTFW !!!
Whoah, easy there man
I wasnt referring to 1/4 ledger. Read again, it was bout 1/4 ironman and avengers that they announced not long ago... You said that in the interview howard said that he dont give a **** bout 1/4 now since everyone prefers 1/6?
The rooted hair comment was in response to how to improve on the existing 2.0 joker.
I get that Iron Man sells but seriously unless they really plan on making every armor from Iron Man 3 I don't get what more they can really do where they have to make it their main focus and work on more figures for. Plus honestly aside from the die hard fans who is really going to buy that many armors? Unless it's some rich person or something who can blow that money on figures left and right.
Hot Toys is learning from Side ShowSideshow does the same thing with Star Wars by making every single suit/meaningless character from those films...I mean how many stormtroopers can they make?
People loved Hulk. Why not go back and do Ed Norton's Hulk and the Abomination? Why the never-ending slew of Iron Mans? I'd rather see that for a change if Marvel has to be their big thing now.
aw.... I'm such a douche.... too many idiots on this board annoy me with their, HT is gonna make a 1/4 Ledger comments. Anyways.. i'm an A-hole.. i appologize Hydeous
No hard feelings????
These guys must have so much money they use it as toilet paper if they can afford this relentless pace of Iron Man figures.
I do wonder what the possible Joker could be. I prefer Nolan Batman more but they've made most of the Ledger Joker looks. In this case I'd actually hope for a Burton Nicholson Joker. The museum look could be cool if you ask me.
I get that Iron Man sells but seriously unless they really plan on making every armor from Iron Man 3 I don't get what more they can really do where they have to make it their main focus and work on more figures for. Plus honestly aside from the die hard fans who is really going to buy that many armors? Unless it's some rich person or something who can blow that money on figures left and right.
Pepper Potts from end of IM3!
Gonna be $189.99!
no mention of star wars? how curious...